Gran Canaria

The end

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250 €
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125 €

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(group from 26 to 50 people)


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In Alexandra Tour we invite you to the island of natural wonders, which, together with Tenerife, is the second capital of the archipelago. We will cross the Atlantic Ocean to get closer to the aura of tranquility that comes from Gran Canaria, where you will not only find the peace of small towns in the mountains, but you will also enjoy charming coastal places and cities, such as Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. We have carefully selected the places you can not miss. This way we will have plenty of time to enjoy the famous dunes of Maspalomas, a landscape reminiscent of North Africa, or the visit to Roque Nublo, which with its imposing shape and height will not leave you indifferent. On the other hand, thanks to our guide, you will learn many details about the island's traditions in the most picturesque places, such as Teror, where the visit to its church and historical center is a must. In addition, we will have time to taste the products of the land, characterized by its high quality, in exquisite dishes that will delight the most demanding palate.

Our itinerary:

We arrive at the port of Las Palmas and head directly to Maspalomas, where we will witness the impressive panorama of the golden sand dunes that the Sahara desert deposits in this southern part of the island. On the way, we will make several stops in viewpoints, from which we can admire the different landscapes that we will find.

Once enjoyed the Special Natural Reserve of the Dunes of Maspalomas, our next destination is the town of Fataga, a small oasis in the middle of the mountains fully rural. Here we will rest mind and body, welcomed among the amazing nature of the place. Thus, we can not stop visiting the Water Mill that is located in a spectacular estate on the outskirts of the town.

Later, entering the mountain ranges, we will arrive at the famous Roque Nublo, considered the most representative symbol of Gran Canaria. This is why around this stone mass of 1800 meters high, local vendors meet to present their handmade creations: palm honey, almond candy, marzipan and even wine are some of the delicacies that you will surely want to taste.

From this moment we will be in the highest area of the island, Pico de las Nieves. There, from 1949 meters, we can admire the extensive coniferous forest that we leave on our way, the immense ocean and even the majestic Teide of Tenerife, which emerges from the clouds in the days with good weather. The Canarian summits have a special aroma, with a pure air that the lungs appreciate, so impressive that you will feel light and clear, healed by the power of nature.

Next, we have lunch in Valleseco, a picturesque town that will offer you its best Canarian cuisine. Of course there will be plenty of goat cheese, gofio, potatoes with mojo and wine, which will leave you more than satisfied. In this way, we can continue enjoying the trip in the best way: with a full belly and a happy heart.

Continuing with the itinerary, our next stop is Teror. The charm of this destination is perceptible just by strolling around its old streets. Soon you will become familiar with the local and traditional Canarian architecture. However, the church and the history of the town are the main attraction of this place, so do not miss any details of the secrets that our guides will reveal to you. We will have free time for shopping and as a final touch to the visit of this town, we will taste the fragrant wine of the area in a local winery.

On the way to Las Palmas, to end the tour, we will stop briefly in Arucas. This place is famous for its exquisite Gothic church of San Juan Bautista, as well as for the emblematic Arehucas rum distillery. We will have time to take a look at the souvenir shops and buy some souvenirs of the island.

Back on the road, we will go to our starting point and end of the route: Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. There we will embark on course Tenerife.

From Alexandra Tour we recommend this route to complete your vacations. Visiting Gran Canaria, you will get a broader perspective of the whole of the islands and the different unique corners that each of them offers you. From our part, you will enjoy personalized attention at all times, so the tour is made in small groups. Also, we offer you a convenient, fast and efficient transportation service, something you will appreciate in this type of trip. With a duration of around 8 hours, we will enjoy all the most famous pictures of the island, from beach to mountain, so it is advisable to bring warm clothes and comfortable shoes because this way we will be prepared to face any change in the weather. Do not think twice and contact us! We will be happy to answer your questions and specify the details of your experience!