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Lanzarote is the easternmost island of the archipelago, located just 140 kilometers from the coast of Morocco, and that you will have the unique opportunity to explore thanks to Alexandra Tour. You will be amazed at the coexistence between the various volcanic formations and the population. This is how Lanzarote's landscape is highly identifiable: white, blue, green and black. The architecture of the island was unified by the artist César Manrique, whose imprint is present in every corner of the island. Therefore, everything is designed so that there is a harmony that you will soon notice. If you are tired of the noise of the big cities, of the stress of the day to day, it is essential a few moments of retirement in this paradise.

Our itinerary:

Jameos del Agua

This place was born from the imagination of the artist César Manrique, who saw in the detachment of the roof of a volcanic tube, the opportunity to create a space where there was an idyllic relationship between nature and human being. This is how this monumental work of art originated. This consists of different open caves and grottos that will not leave you indifferent. At the entrance we are welcomed by a natural lake inhabited by endemic and striking creatures. These are the blind crabs, which coexist with other small aquatic beings in a cave whose immensity will leave you speechless. Once we enter Los Jameos, we can distinguish three different parts:

El Jameo Grande, a complex that consists of an exotic garden and a white artificial pool; the auditorium Jameos del Agua, an impressive work where you can enjoy concerts with a unique acoustics and a capacity for more than 500 people; and finally the Jameo de la Cazuela, from whose rocks emanates water from a spring.

Mirador del Río

The bright sun of Lanzarote will make you see nature in a totally different way. From the Mirador del Río, 475 meters high, you will be amazed by the views of La Graciosa Island and the Chinijo archipelago, a group of islets off the coast of Lanzarote. Only a strait of sea nicknamed "the river" will separate you from those territories. In this viewpoint, also designed by César Manrique, art and nature come together once again to offer us a spectacular panoramic view in one of the most beautiful locations on the island. Here, our guides will tell you stories of the pirates who attacked these coasts during the 17th century, as well as details and curiosities about the construction of the viewpoint itself.

Bodegas Rubicón

The Malvasía and Moscatel wines are the most famous on the island, and anyone who visits their wineries has the opportunity to taste them. Under the prestigious Denomination of Origin of Lanzarote, you will taste a product of great quality, which will arouse all your senses. In addition, it will be very interesting to visit the vineyards, which on this island are very unique. Due to the lack of space and environmental conditions, the crops have adapted to the land shapes. That is why the structures of its vineyards are quite peculiar, designed with circular excavations in the terrain. The agricultural techniques used here are unique in the world, and you will be lucky enough to learn a little about them.

House Museum of César Manrique

Built in 1968, the former residence of the artist is nowadays a museum dedicated to his work. However, the most important piece is the house itself. The architecture of this space combines existing elements of the landscape with elements built by man, is considered a masterpiece of the twentieth century.

House of the Volcano

This is the headquarters of the César Manrique Foundation, a building that follows the theme of human being adapting itself to nature. At first, the construction of this house with two levels was a challenge to build on a lava flow, however, and as you can see with your own eyes, it ended up being a success. Thus, is in its interior, that grandiosity endures: a growing tree within a volcanic grotto, a garden in the middle of the driest lava, even a modern exhibition hall. During the whole visit you will be amazed with the ingenuity of César Manrique and the work carried out in what was his home for twenty years.

In Alexandra Tour we offer you this one-day excursion with the aim of not miss the most emblematic places of the island of Lanzarote. Thanks to our transport service and guide, you will have a comfortable experience, with the best personalized service. Contact us to specify the details!