«Торжества» – это проект, который призван помочь Вам в организации идеальной свадьбы на Канарских островах, а также спланировать романтическое и захватывающее свадебное путешествие. Красивейшие пейзажи Канар и очарование их атлантической культуры позволяют наслаждаться климатом и океаном круглый год,  особенно это ощущается на острове Тенерифе. На острове созданы все условия для проведения незабываемого торжества в любое время суток: свадьба на Тенерифе станет мечтой, воплотившейся в реальность. Даже если вы уже зарегистрировали свой брак и обвенчались, ничто не мешает Вам устроить символическую свадебную церемонию чтобы по-особенному провести свой отпуск или отметить годовщину свадьбы .Произнесите заветные слова любви ещё раз, отпразднуйте 5-ти, 10-ти, 25-ти летнюю годовщину со своей второй половиной и почувствуйте, что время не властно над вашими чувствами. Тысячи пар по всему миру отдают предпочтение свадьбе на пляже, навсегда оставляя в своей памяти тот день, когда они, облачившись в свадебные наряды, произносили друг другу слова любви и верности.

Birthday celebration

Do you want to have a different birthday celebration? At Alexandra Tour we have everything you need to make your day unforgettable. We invite you to take a look at our varied catalog of activities so you can get an idea of what awaits you: some dreamy natural landscapes, the best leisure areas of Tenerife and our expert advice. Keep reading!


What are the advantages of organizing your birthday with us?


No more boredom, our itineraries are designed to fill every gap with unique experiences for all your senses.

Celebrate from morning to night! On the beach or in the mountains, on board a yacht with friends, or with a guided tour discovering the flora and fauna of the archipelago.

We give you the opportunity to extend the party. Thanks to our company you can combine your birthday with a well-deserved vacation made to your needs. Thus, you will share the best memories with your loved ones, leave it in our hands!


The organization includes the following services:


  1. Tips and tricks to choose and buy plane tickets
  2. Choice of the best hotels and apartments
  3. Organization of transfers to and from the airport
  4. All the planning of your most special day


If you wish, your birthday can be even more original. Based on your requests we can prepare it with a specific theme. You can be a cowboy and spend the day among the wildest nature, riding on horseback while enjoying the fresh air and the wonderful views of the highest areas of Tenerife. However, you may prefer to feel the privileges of the nobility becoming for a day a gentleman or lady of canarian high society. Everything is possible! Just contact us in advance.


While you enjoy, we will be taking care that everything happens efficiently. Because of this, you will have our staff at your disposal during the event. Depending on the theme, we will hire the most qualified professionals in the entertainment industry (musicians, dance groups, a showman, deejays ...), catering and other services with which we have previously worked and we have proof of their quality.


Of course, we do not forget the little ones and for the tranquility and enjoyment of all the guests, they will be able to spend time with our entertainers who will prepare distractions according to their age.


A vacation is always welcome and we know how to organize it. We will be happy to help you spend your birthday as you never would have imagined before. It will exceed all your expectations!

New Year celebration

New Year can be met in different ways, but if the traditional version began to seem banal and boring, it's time to switch to more exotic options. Why not spend the old year in Spain, namely on the warm and fabulous island of Tenerife?


Island with eternal spring


The first thing that attracts Tenerife is the perfect weather conditions, because the velvet season for holidaymakers continues throughout the winter. If you do not like the cold, then change the snow on the sandy beach, elegant Christmas trees on high palm trees, and down jackets on a light swimsuit will not only be a new, but also a rather pleasant idea.


Magical landscapes


When leaves fall in other belts and all plants wilted, a riot of colors continues in Tenerife: exotic bougainvilleas adorn the gardens, aloe is green under the sun, the tachinaste smells sweet, and the colorful hibiscus are rapidly stretching upwards.

All parts of the island are not alike. You can enjoy sunbathing on the picturesque beaches, and you can wander to the desert corners with wildlife. Today, walk between the rocks, and tomorrow breathe the air of pine forests and relax in the shade of the vineyards. Sometimes there are completely unrealistic and cosmic landscapes - there the volcanoes burned out the earth and now the territory resembles a Martian surface.


Christmas atmosphere


There is no way to be left without a festive atmosphere, as the streets and buildings of Tenerife are decorated with luminous and New Year decorations, local musicians come out on the square and give live concerts for all guests of the island, and the old cathedrals exhibit Christmas nativity scenes. Celebrations here begin on December 24 and end on January 6.

The epicenter of all events is precisely the city beaches, where large-scale parties are held with the entertainment of vacationers. Under the tracks of famous European DJs, nights pass, dances and cheerful mood do not quench.


For lovers of peace and tranquility, there are equally interesting offers. For example, restaurants start the “Seafood Week”, which is traditionally held every winter. At this time, cooks prepare a wide variety of sea creatures that you can imagine. Innovations are added to the island’s cuisine every year, ingredients and approaches are tested, so for 7 days you can try Mediterranean, North African and European masterpieces. Each restaurant has the opportunity to indulge in first-class Spanish wines.


For those who are looking for new impressions and do not like to sit still, Tenerife offers to explore the magnificent Teide volcano, visit the Güímar pyramids, and see the greatness of the royal Basilica of Candelaria. After the excursions, you can simply walk along the aesthetic and historical streets of San Cristobal de la Laguna.


Developed in Tenerife and this kind of entertainment like shopping. Moreover, in the Christmas week vacationers are waiting for sales and discounts.


New Year on the island is celebrated brightly and with a Spanish scale. From everywhere comes the music, the city is not silent for a second, and the sky is lit up with festive salutes.


Such a New Year will certainly leave a long memory of itself, a lot of amazing sensations and positive emotions.


Corporate parties

We organize and hold a party of any format. It can be a birthday, wedding, anniversary, celebration of the New Year or Christmas, March 8 or February 23, just a party with friends.


We will surprise your guests with an original script, invite pop stars, acrobats and exotic gymnasts. We organize and conduct a laser show, a grand firework, an alcoholic or chocolate fountain, and that's not all - the list of entertainment is constantly updated. With us your holiday will be unforgettable.


We will go beyond the hall, restaurant or cafe, organize and hold a party in nature, in the forest, on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. Here, in Tenerife, there are many places that seem to be specially created by nature for large companies, lovers of extreme pastime. But if you want a quiet cozy family vacation, a party with friends with quiet music - no problem. Any wish for us is the law. All guests without exception will receive a sea of ​​positive and pleasure, positive emotions, and we will take care to capture all this in the photo and video.


When organizing events, including parties, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances, including:


   Budget event.

   The script, including its individual parts.



Party budget


If you are the head of the company and want to organize a corporate event for your employees in Tenerife, let us know the budget and we will select the best option for you to spend your time on. If you are not limited in the budget, then we will offer a lot of interesting things for a team holiday, corporate party, several options to choose from, we will invite popular leaders and musicians.




Tell us about your wishes and preferences and we will do everything in the best way. No one will be bored. We can combine an exhibition, conference or seminar with cultural events. We make a smooth transition, so that your employees or business partners will get even more pleasure from the event.


A place


When choosing a place, we consider the budget, the scenario, the number of participants in a party or corporate party. In Tenerife, you can organize and hold a party and corporate party not only indoors, but also in nature, and this is a big plus. We will think over and offer you several options to choose from, and you decide for yourself.


Why is it profitable to cooperate with our company?


The company has many years of experience in conducting events of such a plan, a clear idea of ​​what the holiday should be, so that the memories of it will be remembered for a long time. Most travel companies offer a small number of options to choose from. Most often it is transportation, accommodation in a pre-rented room, use of the hotel’s infrastructure and surrounding areas. We work on a turnkey basis, for us there are no unsolvable issues related to the organization of rest.


We offer:


  •    Selection of several places for corporate parties or parties.
  •    Hotel reservations for the whole company.
  •    We will develop the concept and theme of the event, we will take into account all wishes.
  •    We organize a transfer for employees or your friends.
  •    We will provide technical equipment.
  •    We have an attentive and competent staff.
  •    We work without intermediaries, so we offer the best prices.
  •    We will issue a visa, insurance, provide medical support, if necessary.


If you want a party or corporate party in Tenerife to exceed all your expectations, please contact us without delay. We will immediately begin to implement everything that we plan with you. We will organize and hold for you any event on the most wonderful island of the world.

Team building tours

In order to create the best and most memorable team building, you need a combination of effective team building techniques with bright and positive emotions that employees can get from corporate travel. An ideal option for such purposes would be foreign team building.


AlexandraTour has been involved in organizing corporate events of various sizes for many years. By contacting us, you will receive a competent organization of building-up on the island of Tenerife, which will be as budget and comfortable as possible, with a full package of necessary documentation and without the involvement of outside contractors.


The advantage of holding team building in Tenerife is that the joint study of a new place and culture of another country holds the workers together and improves communication, and full involvement in the atmosphere of the exotic and unknown enhances creativity. Holidays abroad best of all builds friendships within the company.


AlexandraTour offers turn-key team building on Tenerife to company executives. The service also includes transfer support of the working team, coordination of flights and accommodation, preparation of individual programs for trainings, cultural activities, active and sporting events. Our task is to relieve you of the heavy tasks of organizing the flight and resettlement of subordinates, inventing team building techniques and ways to engage employees in their free time.


Team building from AlexandraTour contains:


  •    Transfer services;
  •    Thinking through the convenient placement of employees of the company;
  •    Team building activities, entertainment activities, quests;
  •    Excursions to cultural and historical places, shopping, routes for hiking tours and bus trips;
  •    Organization of photographic and video support;
  •    Providing branded souvenirs (jackets, T-shirts, caps, backpacks and badges);
  •    Full documentation support.

We will be happy to help and answer all your questions!


Stag party

Do you want to have fun and defiantly with friends to spend the last day of freedom before the wedding on the island of Tenerife? So you need us! We will help you to come off in full. We are organizing a bachelor party in Tenerife.


If you or your friends like extreme sports and entertainment, then the best memories for you will be a parachute jump or diving - you can be a surfer for a few hours or make the first climb to the top of the mountain in your life.


Here, on the island of Tenerife, there are optimal conditions for rest. We can rent a paraglider especially for you, and together with your friends you will make several overflights around the island of Tenerife. You will see amazingly beautiful landscapes, the Atlantic Ocean and coastal green forests that amaze the imagination. Want to fly a paraglider? No problem. There is a paragliding school on the island. Here you will learn the basics of flight, and the next time you will be able to take the place of the pilot yourself.


The company “AlexandraTour” in the person of our employees guarantees a real holiday, which we organize according to your wishes and the number of invited guests.


Cooperating with us, you will receive:


  1.    Holiday dreams.
  2.    No hassles and worries.
  3.    You will not need to spend time and money on organizational and other issues.
  4.    You will only enjoy the rest and have fun with friends.
  5.    All moments of the holiday will be thought over by our scriptwriters, directors and animators.


We are happy to listen to all your ideas and take into account your wishes, thanks to which you will remember this day for a lifetime.


With us you can save time and money. To do this, simply order a bachelor party "turnkey" in Tenerife, and we will provide you with a list of services, entertainment, choosing which you can get maximum pleasure.

Официальные приёмы (EN)
Другие торжества (en)

«Торжества» – это проект, который призван помочь Вам в организации идеальной свадьбы на Канарских островах, а также спланировать романтическое и захватывающее свадебное путешествие. Красивейшие пейзажи Канар и очарование их атлантической культуры позволяют наслаждаться климатом и океаном круглый год,  особенно это ощущается на острове Тенерифе. На острове созданы все условия для проведения незабываемого торжества в любое время суток: свадьба на Тенерифе станет мечтой, воплотившейся в реальность. Даже если вы уже зарегистрировали свой брак и обвенчались, ничто не мешает Вам устроить символическую свадебную церемонию чтобы по-особенному провести свой отпуск или отметить годовщину свадьбы .Произнесите заветные слова любви ещё раз, отпразднуйте 5-ти, 10-ти, 25-ти летнюю годовщину со своей второй половиной и почувствуйте, что время не властно над вашими чувствами.

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