Hell gorge (VIP)

Special Offer

Regular Price
75 €
Children up to 6 years
35 €

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(group from 9 to 25 people)
(group from 26 to 50 people)


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In Costa Adeje, there is a spectacular place worth visiting: the Special Nature Reserve of Barranco del Infierno. With an unprecedented aboriginal legacy, the Barranco del Infierno was the cradle of life for the first settlers who secretly kept the source of their most precious asset, water. Venture in the mountains of southern Tenerife and immerse yourself in the stories that permeate every corner.

With our excursion you will enjoy the vivacity of nature in a rather peculiar place, perfect for the intrepid. Although its name looks imposing, the Ravine of the Hell in its origin received this denomination by the ancestors with the hope of frightening the strangers, since the ravine was considered sacred. Nowadays, is being protected, with a restriction of 300 visitors per day so that the biodiversity of the place is not harmed. Also offering professional guides for interested groups.

From the beginning of the route you will discover different landscapes. From the tabaibal-cardonal endemic to the thermophilic forest, you can see how the vegetation transitions as you enter the depths of the ravine. There, in the heart of Barranco del Infierno, you will find the main attraction of this excursion: the wonderful waterfall of 200 meters of altitude. Take your time to admire the beauty of the place, conditioned with splendid viewpoints to make stops along the way. In the same way, do not miss the opportunity to look at the sky and see the birds that fly over the deep gorges of the ravine; let yourself be amazed by the majestic steep shapes and take engraved in the retina the image of this unique place, as the memory of the captivating stories of the Guanches seated in it. This is why, in addition to being a natural paradise, it is a site of great archaeological and cultural interest for Canarian society.

We recommend you to choose this excursion to spend a lovely time with your friends or family, hand in hand with our comfortable services at your disposal. The path is considered medium-low difficulty, so you do not need experience to carry it out. Thus, for about three hours of travel you can easily visit a totally different place in the south of the island. Finally, do not forget to wear good slippers or boots with non-slip soles to get around any small obstacle of the terrain, sunscreen, water and desire to explore. Contact us! Alexandra Tour offers you the best transport service: comfortable, fast and hassle-free. Enjoy your trip, we take care of the rest!