The Brightest Tenerife (VIP)

Special Offer

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100 €
Children up to 6 years
50 €

Group offer
(group from 9 to 25 people)
(group from 26 to 50 people)


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This excursion will make you feel on another planet, admiring the magnitude of the beauty of the starry sky of the Teide National Park. You will need to pinch yourself to return to real life. Are you ready to begin this adventure? Keep reading and you will discover all the details:

Alexandra Tours  offers you probably one of the most memorable experiences of your life. To enter an infinite tranquility in one of the best places caressed by Mother Nature, our groups will not exceed forty members. The tour that we offer is done on foot, and lasts around five and a half hours, guided at all times by our tour guides.

The beginning of our tour is inaugurated by an unforgettable sunset and a delicious glass of wine. You will see the different pastel tones of orange melting with the darkness that the night gives off, and the various shades of the volcanic landscape as the moon is replaced by the sun. Undoubtedly, it is a good way to start, and at the same time, a hint of the majesty that will walk with us during the rest of the visit. The best is yet to come.

While the bluish of the sky turns black over our heads, you can see the stars peeking out, showing their intense brightness just for us. Little by little you will find yourself turning on your feet raising your eyes, absorbed by a coincidental gift of nature that will take your breath away. You will even forget to take pictures!

Now it's time to get into the national park, when only the moonlight illuminates the path. At 2300 meters high where you will find yourself, there is no doubt the strong impression you will receive watching the countless stars that rest over your head. You will take the most original snapshots of your trip around Tenerife, so keep them as if they were a treasure and feel free in photographing how much you want. It will be the only time in your life that you will be under those same lights.

If you thought that would be all, you are wrong. On the night walk you will enjoy a real privilege: the climbing to the top of the Pico del Teide will be done by cable car, approaching the sky so much that it will seem to you that you can touch the stars with your own hands. Also, with goose bumps and no time to take a breath, we will continue at 3555 meters of altitude going along a path that surrounds the edge of the crater. The withdrawal originated by the silence and the astronomical landscape will be such that only the voices of the guides will distract you. They will explain to you and your group the Canary Islands’ formation, and also tell some of the best stories about the aborigines of Tenerife and their ways to explore the national park.

We recommend you with all our sincerity the choice of this excursion because you will not live anything similar in your life. We want to see you soon and know a little more about you. Contact us!