Teide’s Cableway

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27 €
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14 €


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The island of Tenerife has counts with many tourist attractions, however, when you hear its name, probably the first thing that comes to your mind is the Teide National Park. But how to enjoy fully your holidays? If observing the great volcano its skirts seems insufficient for you, you are the perfect type of person to ascend through it in the cableway. You will take a wonderful experience home, so do not think hesitate much. You will enjoy!

The Teide, at 3718 meters, is the highest peak in Spain and the Atlantic Ocean. It is the main symbol of Tenerife for its overwhelming majesty. Because of this, the islanders also know him as Father Teide. However, it did not always have positive connotations, since in its origin, the aborigines called "Echeyde" as a sacred site in whose depths resided the evil forces embodied in Guayota.

Throughout history, both the Canarian Archipelago as a whole and the Teide have served as inspiration for great intellectuals of international fame such as Emily Dickinson, Jules Verne and Agatha Christie, among many others. Even Shakespeare delighted his characters with Malvasia wine in various plays.

Nowadays, the Teide is an active volcano which there is not much information about because in its last eruption in 1909 there were not the necessary instruments to carry out exhaustive investigations. In spite of this, it is studied daily like any volcanological structure of the Canary Islands. In our case, we give you the opportunity to know everything about its exterior. After climbing the national park, you only have to go to the cableway station to start your adventure. The two alternatives that are offered are to ascend walking or to raise in cableway. However, if you are in a hurry, we do not recommend doing the path, as it is a long journey.

In the lower station you will have a bar and a buffet to recover your energy; and in the highest one, on the other hand, you will have a rich vision of the island led by the impressive presence of the rest of Tenerife and even the entire archipelago, seen on clear days without haze.

As the cableway climbs high, you will not be able to detach yourself from the crystals before the illusion of discovering new details in the surrounding landscape. You will be amazed by the authenticity and beauty in front of you.

But if you prefer to live the experience to the fullest, you can ascend on foot after the cableway climb up to the crater itself and, therefore, to the highest peak in Spain. Following the "Telesforo Bravo" route, you will connect with nature in an inexplicable way. You will confuse the reason for the fast beating of your heart, between amazement or lack of oxygen. But do not worry, it will be worth it to crown such a mountain!

The Teide cableway schedules are from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. If you need more information or have any questions, contact us. We are at your service at all times!