“Wedding Celebrations” is a project that is designed to help you organize the perfect wedding in the Canary Islands, as well as plan a romantic and exciting honeymoon trip. The beautiful landscapes of Canary and the charm of their Atlantic culture make it possible to enjoy the climate and the ocean all year round, especially on the island of Tenerife. On the island, all the conditions for an unforgettable celebration at any time of day: the wedding in Tenerife will become a dream come true. Even if you have already registered your marriage and got married, nothing prevents you from arranging a symbolic wedding ceremony in order to spend your holiday in a special way or to celebrate your wedding anniversary. Say the cherished words of love again, celebrate 5, 10, 25 years anniversary with your second half and feel that time does not have power over your feelings. Thousands of couples around the world prefer wedding on the beach, forever leaving that day in their memory when they, dressed in wedding dresses, uttered words of love and loyalty to each other.

My big wedding

A big solemn wedding is probably the dream of every couple. But to organize such a large and luxurious celebration, newlyweds will have to make a great effort. The organization of a great wedding requires a serious and careful planning and the newlyweds will have to spend a lot of time thinking: how to organize everything correctly? To help deal with all the problems of the organization, Alexandra tour offers its services.


We will not miss any detail: from invitations, meetings, transfers and accommodation of a large number of guests, to their entertainment at the wedding. Also, as in any good celebration, we will take into account the interests of all the guests, so that everyone participates in the same way. For this, we will provide a wedding planner with experience in the realization of major events.


Before inviting a large number of family and friends, it is necessary to calculate all the nuances:


 - When and where the guests should meet, offer them a suitable place of accommodation

 - Provide everyone a transport and locate them at the wedding banquet

 - Think about the guidance and entertainment of the attendees of the event.


For a busy wedding, we will help you choose the right place: spacious, equipped with a good air conditioning system and all the necessary amenities.


We will find the perfect option: restaurant with summer terrace or covered. Keep in mind, the venue for the wedding depends directly on the thematic focus of the event.


Also a very interesting option would be an outdoor ceremony, in nature, since it will be easier to organize a reception for a large number of people.


A stage can be set up, in such a way as to allow attendees to watch, for example a video projection dedicated to the newlyweds. In addition, for the entertainment program, it is possible to create a separated area where guests can take original photos.


The master of ceremonies will ensure that all guests are involved and that no one falls into boredom. It is important that the wedding does not become a regular dinner with guests dispersed in the corners. The wedding should be the excuse to make friends and strengthen relationships between family members.


The contests and group games will help to achieve this goal. To create a relaxed atmosphere, we suggest inviting original artists: magicians, jugglers and other entertainment teams.


By trusting a matter as difficult as the organization and celebration of a large wedding to the professionals of our company, the newlyweds will have all the time to simply, have fun.


Публичная свадьба (EN)

 «Свадебные торжества» – это проект, который призван помочь Вам в организации идеальной свадьбы на Канарских островах, а также спланировать романтическое и захватывающее свадебное путешествие. Красивейшие пейзажи Канар и очарование их атлантической культуры позволяют наслаждаться климатом и океаном круглый год,  особенно это ощущается на острове Тенерифе. На острове созданы все условия для проведения незабываемого торжества в любое время суток: свадьба на Тенерифе станет мечтой, воплотившейся в реальность. Даже если вы уже зарегистрировали свой брак и обвенчались, ничто не мешает Вам устроить символическую свадебную церемонию чтобы по-особенному провести свой отпуск или отметить годовщину свадьбы .Произнесите заветные слова любви ещё раз, отпразднуйте 5-ти, 10-ти, 25-ти летнюю годовщину со своей второй половиной и почувствуйте, что время не властно над вашими чувствами. Тысячи пар по всему миру отдают предпочтение свадьбе на пляже, навсегда оставляя в своей памяти тот день, когда они, облачившись в свадебные наряды, произносили друг другу слова любви и верности.

Extreme wedding

All couples dream that their special day is unique and at Alexandra Tour, we take it to another level of uniqueness. What do we propose? Showing off your imagination by organizing the most unusual event: an extreme wedding!


For example, you can embark on a balloon ride, helicopter or a caravan of motorcycles and quads.


If you want a celebration in which you and your guests will feel protected by nature, a wedding on the coast or in the mountains is always a good option.


On that day the couple is overwhelmed with emotions, but if you really want to feel in the clouds, what is better than to marry in the sky! Dare to take a jump in parachute and exchange the wedding rings in the flight. A wonderful experience that will unite the newlyweds forever.


Changing the setting, we approach the Atlantic depths. Saying yes in an underwater ceremony can delight ocean lovers. Surrounded by a variety of marine fauna, it is an incomparable and very original setting.


If you like traditional weddings but with a different touch, you can also modify different key elements that will make you stand out, for example: making a Hollywood like appearance at your wedding. The arrival of the newlyweds at the place of the event is something that always creates excitement: why not take advantage of it? An original entrance will cause a pleasant surprise to the guests and will be a great beginning for a fantastic day.


However, you can always celebrate your wedding in an original and simple way. For example, instead of limousines, use bicycles, instead of a pompous white dress, a simple one that is comfortable for you to dance all day. Replace the traditional costumes and the only invariable attribute will be the veil, although sometimes you can also do without it or give it a special character.


But, what about the free fall? No kidding, in fact, it has become one of our most unique products. Flying in a high-speed plane and surviving the deadly loops, as a couple, is undoubtedly something not suitable for cardiac. Of course, the emotion is incomparable, so it is worth being courageous, creating an epic story that will survive generations.


Let's not forget the Castillo San Miguel. The old castle and the natural beauty of the surroundings will give the wedding a romantic atmosphere. The celebration in such a place, of course, will be remembered throughout life, with the newlyweds in the manner of king and queen. In the script of the wedding, you can include a coronation ceremony in which the king will carry on his head his favorite jewel. In addition, the theatrical "battle" of the groom for the heart of the lady will add extreme notes.


Another excellent option would be to hold a wedding ceremony, sitting in the saddle on a horse. These beautiful and funny animals seem created to decorate the wedding with their presence. Listen to the march of Mendelssohn sitting astride, what could be better?. An excellent gift for your guests would be to offer them an elegant horse carriage for transportation. Undoubtedly, everyone will be delighted with the contact of these noble animals.


As you can see, with the company Alexandra Tour you will find the most exciting adventure for your wedding!


We go beyond the limits

If you do not feel attracted by any of our proposals, but still want your wedding day to be unforgettable and full of surprises...


We are ready to start your ideas!


"AlexandraTour" will help you to go "beyond", covering any possible scenario for a wedding celebration.

These are just a few examples of the most curious weddings we have organized


Tradition as protagonist


There may be two options, perhaps not very different in complexity of preparation, but often very different "ideologically": on the one hand, a wedding based on the traditions of your family, people or religion and on the other, one inspired by the style of ceremonies in other countries.


If the newlyweds decide to keep all the marriage rituals of their own people (or the nationality to which one of the newlyweds belongs), such an event requires a background to investigate. To ensure authenticity and more ancestral customs, ask without fear to your relatives and acquaintances with more experience: how were weddings celebrated in their youth?


The second version finds its essence in the traditions of a nation or a country that is far from you, but for some reason you like it, for example: India, Japan or even New Guinea.


Ideas for a thematic wedding in this case can be drawn from real traditions and, nevertheless, continue to maintain a general stylistic orientation, so that it is closer and more understandable to the guests.


Normally the ritual of marriage is associated with the worship of some god or gods. Being a wedding "in the style of" we get rid of the religious motive and instead, we focus on other cultural aspects such as dances, music or clothing, among others. In addition to the attire and the environment, the flavor will be put by the catering, where you can choose to combine different types of dishes.


And finally, there is no shortage of entertainment, think about your family preferences and your own taste, we will help you find the perfect activities for everyone!


Historical moments


A wedding in the style of any era will be very unusual and memorable, from the retro of the 50s to the medieval party or a 19th century wedding!


The "trick" is in the attire: if only the newlyweds and close relatives wear out-of-date dresses, and the rest are modern-dressed guests, the effect will be lost! Make sure your friends are willing to follow the dress code. Fortunately on the island you can find and rent historical costumes, so there are no excuses!


Of course, it is not about meticulously reproducing a wedding of that time, the main thing is to create an atmosphere that reminds of it.


The thematic wedding is structured in the usual way: a banquet accompanied by dances and abundant entertainment. It would be ideal to invite a team of professionals of the performance to delight us with musical and dance numbers.


You can even count on the presence of costumed actors who cheers up the wedding: they appear here and there, talk with the guests, direct the celebration with delicacy, motivate them to participate in competitions and dances …


Wedding in the environment of a book or movie


Maybe this is the most exotic of thematic weddings... and the most special! If you understand that your guests will react appropriately to the choice of a thematic wedding idea based on a popular book or movie, then make sure that this event is unforgettable for everyone!


Once again, the use of recognizable elements of the subject is imperative. You should not need to know all the details of the plot to enjoy the wedding, just remember the storyline and the aesthetics. For example: "Alice in Wonderland", "Pirates of the Caribbean", "The Lord of the Rings", etc.


You can ask your closest friends and relatives to embody specific characters, but it is not worth to force the guests by giving them roles, instead, encourage them to propose characters or simply use accessories related to the theme. For example, if a pirate theme is chosen, guests can be given costume items associated with the idea: eye patch, corsair cap, sailor suit, toy gun or dagger, etc. Warn everyone that the wedding will be unusual: Get ready for surprises!


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