La Gomera

The end

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150 €
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80 €

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During your holidays in Tenerife you will not be short of activities to do and places to explore. However, it is a pity to miss the wonders offered by the other islands of the archipelago, so we have created an excursion tailored to the most restless traveler. We provide you the opportunity to tour, in a single day, the beautiful island of La Gomera.

Surely someone has recommended you to visit it or you may have heard about it, that’s because it has a worldwide known charm. Its deep ravines and green valleys create a picture hard to forget for any nature lover. In addition, this is the home of the Garajonay National Park, a large thicket of laurel forest, worldwide scientific interest. If you like the beauty of natural forms, La Gomera will not leave you indifferent. 




To start the route we make it easy for you: we pick you up at a point near your accommodation. Once settled in the minibuses, our first destination is the port of Los Cristianos where we embark towards San Sebastián de La Gomera. We sail the Atlantic in a journey of about 50 minutes accompanied by the whispering sound of the waves and guided, if we are lucky, for some other playful dolphin.

Once we get off in the capital we venture through the steep roads of the summits to enter the Garajonay National Park. Without realizing it you will find yourself immersed in a paradise of vegetation and volcanic forms, the road being the only human footprint. To appreciate this landscape better we make a stop at the Morro de Agando viewpoint. There awaits us a large rock that stands out for its majestic height of more than 1000 meters. It is amazing how the passage of time has eroded this volcanic chimney creating a perfect natural monument. Also, you will be aware of the power that rests in the elements, since Roque Agando is not the only one that exists in the area. This is populated by other examples result of the erosion in the volcanic rock, forming the Natural Monument of Los Roques.





Later, we go to the northern part of the island. You will notice the roads becoming narrower, adjusting to the profile of the mountains. As a matter of fact, La Gomera is one of the most rugged islands of the archipelago. As we ascend, the cliffs become deeper and more overwhelming. However, there is nothing to fear, we have expert drivers and impressive views that will make the road very enjoyable.

Soon we are in the municipality of Vallehermoso where we will make a small stop at the lookout. From this place you can contemplate a very typical landscape of the island, in which a group of simple houses adapts to the resources that the fertile valley has to offer. In this way, the orchards in the form of steps or terraces emerge along ravines and hillsides, where the reservoirs that provides of water to the land abound. This is why the towns are founded on farming tradition, treasuring the excellence of the artisan work that comes with it. There is no doubt that the great quality of its products is due to this passion that is directly reflected in La Gomera’s gastronomy. Thus, its star delicacies are the almogrote, made of cured cheese, and palm honey. We will have the opportunity to try them together with other gastronomic gems in our next stop to eat, a few kilometers from the municipality of Agulo.








Las Rosas restaurant is a charming typical house where we will enjoy our lunch without renouncing to the views that have accompanied us throughout the trip. In addition, we have the opportunity to enjoy a display of “Silbo Gomero”, Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. This form of ancestral language served the ancestors to communicate quickly, saving the great distances of the field. Nowadays, the importance of its conservation has brought the art of whistling to schools with the aim that such a special tradition does not get lost over time.

Once the break is over, we will continue to the valley of Hermigua, where if you have not done it yet, you can take some snapshots of the characteristic Gomero landscape in perfect conditions. At this point, the landscape opens before your eyes like a book where you can read every detail of it: the valley, the palm tree, the farm, the traditional house ... take your time to discover them, there life goes on at another pace.

To end the tour we head back to San Sebastian de La Gomera. In this place you will be surrounded by centuries of island history. As witnesses of this, there is a great variety of buildings from the time of the Castilian conquerors. An outstanding example, which you will immediately identify is the Torre del Conde. On the other hand, there is the determining importance of the port. Did you know that this place was frequented by many famous navigators? Without going any further, Christopher Columbus fell in love with the island in a halt to his most famous expedition. This and many more stories will be told by our attentive guides, who will not miss the opportunity to illustrate you during the whole tour.

With a feeling of complete satisfaction we leave the island that so many experiences have given us in that intense day. While we go away on the boat back home, we see the mountainous horizon in its fullness. In this way, under the lights of the afternoon, we say goodbye with a '' see you later '', since inside you there will be a feeling of wanting to return someday. And so the island will wait for you with the promise of always presenting itself beautiful before you and offering you each time, a new special corner to discover.

If you want to feel its magnetism in your skin, contact us to start organizing your excursion.