Immigration to Spain is one of the most popular options for moving to Europe for Russian citizens. Quite a lot of our compatriots are having plans to permanently leave for the Pyrenean state. Official Madrid offers the flexibility to legally obtain a residence permit, and over time - citizenship. Moving to the kingdom for permanent residence is permitted in several ways. Thus, emigration to Spain is available for many categories of citizens.

Migration to Spain is one of the most convenient ways for Russians to gain a foothold in Europe. The standard of living in the state has to move and long-term arrangement. Going to Spain for permanent residence is relatively easy. Current legislation provides many options for how to move and legally stay in the country of bullfights and flamenco. All immigration directions are available for Russian citizens.



Where to start?

Since January 1, 2014, the long-awaited law on the provision of a residence permit to foreign citizens who purchase property in Spain at a price of 500,000 euros came into force. Obtaining a residence permit in Spain when buying a home is a great way for those who want to make Spain a country of permanent residence for themselves and their families and have all the necessary means for this. Such a residence permit in Spain does not give the right to work, as it was originally designed for wealthy citizens who have a high level of income in Russia.

The initial residence permit in Spain when buying a property will be issued for a period of up to two years (but not less than a year) of residence and will be called the “residence permit (residence) of the investor”. When applying for a renewal and making a positive decision, it will be extended for another two years.

But it is worth remembering that, according to the provisions of the new Law, each applicant must purchase real estate at a price not lower than 500,000 euros. If both the husband and the wife claim the “residence permit of the investor”, then the investments should be made in the amount of at least 500,000 euros for each (for example, a family can buy a house at a price of 1,000,000 euros, indicating in the notary deed of ownership 50/50 ).



In reality, the process of obtaining a residence permit through the opening of a company is a long and difficult process. It is not enough just to be a founder of a company registered in Spain. It is necessary to fulfill a number of important conditions: create jobs, pay all taxes on time, conduct active economic activities with visible turnover and profits at the end of the reporting period. Tax and accounting documentation must be checked by the Spanish Ministry of Labor, which evaluates the activities of a legal entity.

We recommend getting an initial residence permit in Spain (and in particular on Tenerife) on any other basis - the purchase of real estate, the placement of a deposit in a bank, the purchase of securities, etc. And then, legally in Spain, open and successfully develop your business. A foreign entrepreneur who wants to independently manage his company in Spain can change the initial residence permit without the right to work for a residence permit with the right to work for himself (in Spain, the manager of the company is registered and reports to the Social Insurance Fund and the tax office as an individual entrepreneur).


Do not sit at home?

Obtaining Spanish citizenship on the basis of a residence permit is the most common method. Cases are dealt with in a court of law, the applicant's call is practiced for an interview (possibly repeated). In the case of a marriage with a Spanish citizen, not only the applicant himself, but also his spouse will be called to the judge’s conversation. A court resolution with a positive or negative decision is sent to the applicant by mail.

Acceptance of Spanish citizenship is accompanied by giving an oath of allegiance to the king and the constitution of Spain. Declared a waiver of former citizenship. The fact of obtaining Spanish citizenship is registered with Registro Civil. According to the norms of Spanish law, a citizen must have two names: the first is from the father, the second is from the mother. It is not excluded that the Russian surname, name and patronymic will have to be adapted to the Spanish language.

We personally deal with the issue of a residence visa for you at the Spanish consulate in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kiev or Astana, so that you are already in Spain to receive a residence permit. This permission can be:

- living without labor

- Living with a work permit at their own expense. To obtain this permission, we will give you advice on the following topics: the opening of companies, administrative permits necessary for the conduct of work, a business plan (feasibility study), registration with the tax department and social insurance agencies.

Renewal of the residence permit: when the validity of your residence permit comes to an end, we will perform actions to extend it, and you will not need to go anywhere. All work will be done in our company.

Appeal: if you are involved in any administrative process with the State Administration, we will help you to file the necessary appeal with the administration itself or the judiciary.

Family reunification: if you already live legally in Spain, we can take the necessary steps to ensure that your spouse, minor children or parents receive a residence permit.

Settlement: If you live in Spain illegally for several years, we can help you with obtaining a residence and work permit. We will help you to collect all the necessary documents and submit them to the immigration service.