Camel ride


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25 €
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10 €


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Among the many activities offered by the island of Tenerife, one stands out for its peculiarity. The protagonists are wonderful creatures with two humps known for their resistance to the extreme conditions of the African continent. Have you guessed it? They are indeed, the legendary camels. Join us on a dream tour, which will make you feel like a desert adventurer!

Due to the location of the Canary Islands, off the coast of Africa, it is not surprising that these animals adapted so well to their climate since they were brought by the Castilians centuries ago. Here they served as freight transport until more advanced means appeared. Today and for a few decades, its main use is tourism. Travelers from all over the world visit them and enjoy a pleasant walk.

In the excursion that we propose, you will be part of a small caravan that will explore the most arid and mysterious territories of the island. Without a doubt, the scarce vegetation and the scorching sun that will accompany us on the way will take you to a place described by any fantastic oriental tale. Likewise, will come to your mind the image of Arab merchants selling their spices, incense, silk and jewelry on the backs of their majestic companions.

The impressive strength of these animals means that they can carry two people without problems. For this purpose, wooden chairs adapted to the sides of the same are normally available. Thus, comfort is assured for you and your camel during the 20-30 minutes of the itinerary. For the same reason, it is recommended to bring a hat, sun protection and water. From Alexandra Tour we will put everything in our hands for you to spend an unforgettable day!