

For fans of spearfishing, the sea bottoms of the Canary Islands are a true paradise. Due to its volcanic nature, the steep relief hides the most varied forms of life a few meters deep. Enjoy this ancestral form of hunting in an ocean filled with aboriginal history.

In the waters of Tenerife you will not need to dive very deeply to capture the most autochthonous specimens such as mackerel, sea bream or elusive moray eels. In this way, going down to only five meters, you will start to see large fish and molluscs: Pay attention to the rocks! The octopi blend perfectly with the volcanic materials. On the other hand, since good things come to those who wait, you will have to be patient to find the perfect prey: a tuna, a barracuda or a perch, with its great size, will be the most striking trophies. Also, the waters have a comfortable temperature, which invites you to spend more time in them, thus making the most of the day. The long hours of sunshine in summer and the good weather all year round are also key to the optimal performance of this practice, without forgetting the good conditions of visibility under the sea. In addition, in your excursion you will not lack the company of some friendly sea turtle. Perhaps you spotted a small shark or you are lucky to have the presence of the beautiful marlin. As is well known, every day at the bottom of the sea is different. It’s time for you to venture and discover for yourself what the Atlantic Ocean offers you during your stay. Do not miss the opportunity to explore it!


Throughout the years, snorkeling has become the favorite activity of those who love observing marine life. That’s because you do not need a large equipment: with fins, tube and mask, you will be more than served. However, it is essential to know the right areas to submerge and so been able to contemplate the best specimens. Alexandra Tour offers you all to make this tour especially for you.

On the coasts of Tenerife, you will come into direct contact with the most diverse fauna, also knowing its magnificent habitat. You will find yourself within inches of huge schools of colorful fish, starfish, and the main attraction: the turtles. These beautiful creatures are used to the human presence, since they are very friendly. They will accompany you while you swim, allowing yourself to admire them, you will be impressed with their bright and unique shells. Definitely, swimming with turtles is an essential experience, to try at least once in a lifetime.

The serenity in the movements they perform will transmit you peace and positivity, reminding you to take life without worries, enjoying the present moment. With a duration of around 50 minutes, you will have all the attention of the instructors who will teach you and your group some tips and tricks to get started in snorkeling. This is why you do not need special skills to carry out the activity.

In addition, the company will provide all the necessary equipment to make it in the best conditions, so you will not have to worry about anything more than enjoy. And of course, with our comfortable transportation: you will spend a beautiful day! Do not miss it!


The island of Tenerife has a great variety of forms of the Canarian relief, covered also with vegetation from different climatic regions. It is enough to go from the north to the south of the island and vice versa to, in a short time reach subtropical beaches, the snow-capped peaks of Mount Teide, to see laurels and pine forests. That's why in all of it you can practice a sport as active as trekking. The most interesting places for athletes and tourists are the Teno Rural Park in the northwest of Tenerife and the Anaga Rural Park in the northeast. Equally attractive is the Teide National Park, famous throughout Europe.

Do you want to see impressive cliffs over 500 meters high, waterfalls and deep gorges, such as the Masca ravine? Go to the Teno Natural Park. However, do not forget to book another day of hiking to the Anaga Rural Park, whose majestic tertiary forest will not leave you indifferent.

Do you want to go even higher? We invite you to the Teide National Park, some 19 thousand hectares of pure volcanic origin that houses the highest peak in Spain, with 3718 m of altitude.

The Teide volcano is located in the center of a deep ancient crater. Geologists believe that once the volcano reached 5 thousand meters, but after the process of a strong eruption and the subsequent destructive effect of erosion, its size decreased. Thus it is considered that the walls of the crater are part of a large ancient volcano. It is here where many vestiges of eruptions are preserved. You can see whole pieces of pumice stone, lava of colors and even find obsidian crystals. Due to the smell of sulfur emanating from the bowels of the earth, we are not allowed to forget that the Teide is an active but dormant volcano.

To live a unique experience, we recommend you to crown the highest point. For this, the most convenient way is to take the cable car to an altitude of 3550 m above sea level. Then, start a walk to the top to find some views that you will hardly forget. However, to reach the top you must get a special permit! But don’t worry,  we take care of it for you.

In addition, lovers of climbing and spelunking can enjoy the volcanic caves, some of which can be visited even without experience, and ravine descents, an activity that can be done in the surroundings.

The Teide National Park is a beautiful place all year round. In autumn or winter, you may enjoy the snow; in summer, the red earth becomes scorching; and at the beginning of spring, water appears and ‘retamas’ and ‘tajinastes’ flowers bloom.

Without a doubt, in Tenerife you will not be left without options to have a good time in the most beautiful nature. Choose the time of year you choose, you will be well received by us. We will recommend the best places to practice trekking and we will care to provide everything you need.

Count on us!



Quad Safari

Have you always dreamed of riding a quad? In Tenerife you can do it! Our fleet of four-wheel motorcycles, fast and stable will provide you at the same time all the adrenaline you need and the security of the most reliable motorcycles on the market.

These vehicles are ideal to discover the Tenerife mountain, as they have the right size and grip to circulate along the trails, making them easily passable. Also, you will not need any driver's license, only the instructions of the monitors if you are a beginner.

In Alexandra Tour we organize excursions to different parts of the island that include not only the experience of riding a quad, whose duration is about 30 minutes, but lunch and guided tour to make the most of the day. Like this, the route can be extended to more than 2 hours.

Among the most popular tours are the fascinating journey through the Teide National Park and the mountain village of Vilaflor. These itineraries are designed so that you can admire the breathtaking views, take photos and record videos to take home as a souvenir. If you are a lover of nature and the feeling of freedom, there is no doubt that this experience is made for you.

As last recommendations, do not forget to wear sunglasses, warm clothes and appropriate footwear. We take care of all the rest!



Horse Riding

In Tenerife you can also enjoy nature from another perspective: on horseback. In Alexandra Tour we offer different types of horseback riding, of varied duration and route. In addition, with us you will have the possibility of visiting the home of the steeds, the farm and all its animals. You will always be accompanied by the monitors that will help you take your first steps, especially if it is the first time you ride a horse. Therefore, children and adults can live the experience without any problem.

The duration of the tour is approximately one hour, but if you want to spend more time on route, you can extend it. You just have to consult us! Also, do not forget to specify the details for your transport. We will be happy to offer you the most comfortable vehicles and the best personalized service for driver and guide. With this you will have everything you need for adventure. What are you waiting for? Contact us!



Mountain biking

One of the hobbies preferred by the mountain enthusiast is the bicycle. With it you can save the great distances and overcome the obstacles that arise. Especially in Tenerife, you can test your skill and endurance, thanks to routes full of slopes and terrains that you have never faced before. As you can see, it is a challenge! Do you want to know more? Keep reading.

We offer you a wide variety of interesting routes that cross the most representative landscapes of the island: volcanic steppes, dense forests of pine and laurel, protected areas ... Depending on the chosen place the difficulty of the route will be greater or minor, we encourage you to consult us so that we can advise you on the one that best suits your level of training and ability.

Whether you are in the north or south of the island, you will be alright leaving Alexandra Tour in charge of organizing your excursion. Count on us to enjoy the authentic adrenaline sensation!

Route on the southern slopes of the island

Fulfilling the wishes of those who want to test the power of the Canarian relief, we have drawn a route full of descents and ascents that start from the town of La Esperanza. This mountainous area does not lack the smooth transition to forest following the trail of Los Ovejeros. Thus, we will find ourselves fully immersed in the protected landscape of Las Lagunetas, home to innumerable protected endemic species.

On the other hand, fans of extreme sports will surely love Valle de Güímar. Through it, we will climb to a height of 2400 m above sea level, where the Izaña Observatory is located. A hard tour that will be worth it just for the views that you will enjoy.

From there begins the slow descent towards the Teide National Park. You will definitely appreciate the 25 km downhill in one of the most beautiful places in the world. There, you will be rewarded by beautiful multicolored sand, next to the spectacular presence of Teide. If you like to drive fast, this is your stage! Canary pine forests, spread on both sides of the road, the red lava and the blue sky will accompany you throughout the journey.

Route on the northern slopes of the island

The starting point is again La Esperanza, but this time we will cross the northern slopes. The trails in this area are wide and comfortable, populated with abundant vegetation. Thanks to this, the path will be more enjoyable. At a slower but steady pace, we will reach without realizing a height of 1728 meters above sea level, entering into the Teide National Park.

With this route we expect a rapid descent to the recreational area of ​​La Caldera. This is where we can stop to regain strength. The north zone has endless kilometers of green forest and a more refreshing temperature than the southern zone. We will also make a stop in the town of San José de los Llanos where we will have lunch. Likewise, we will appreciate the remains of the eruption of the Chinyero volcano that dates back more than a century.

We will continue with the last stage of the route heading to the municipality of Santiago del Teide. The path will be no less interesting if you can admire the almond trees, at the time of the year they bloom, or the ‘retama’, bushes with white flowers that adorn the margins of the roads.


Впереди нас будет ждать быстрый спуск, ну а пока вы сможете наслаждаться красивыми видами, открывающимися по обе стороны от вершины. Конечный путь на этом отрезке - зона отдыха Ла-Кальдера. Именно здесь мы можем подкрепиться и набраться сил.

Разрабатывая маршрут по северному склону, мы учли все, чтобы пройти многокилометровые дистанции, любоваться величием северных склонов вулкана Тейде и легким ветерком, который будет сопровождать вас по маршруту. Перед финальным отрезком пути мы остановимся в небольшой деревушке Сан-Хосе-де-Лос-Льянос, пообедаем, увидим остатки лавовых потоков величественного вулкана Чинара и запечатлим следы одного из последних вулканических извержений на острове Тенерифе, которое произошло более века тому назад. Дорога домой будет не менее интересной, а на последнем отрезке пути вы сможете полюбоваться миндальными садами Сантьяго-дель-Тейде.


Camel ride

Among the many activities offered by the island of Tenerife, one stands out for its peculiarity. The protagonists are wonderful creatures with two humps known for their resistance to the extreme conditions of the African continent. Have you guessed it? They are indeed, the legendary camels. Join us on a dream tour, which will make you feel like a desert adventurer!

Due to the location of the Canary Islands, off the coast of Africa, it is not surprising that these animals adapted so well to their climate since they were brought by the Castilians centuries ago. Here they served as freight transport until more advanced means appeared. Today and for a few decades, its main use is tourism. Travelers from all over the world visit them and enjoy a pleasant walk.

In the excursion that we propose, you will be part of a small caravan that will explore the most arid and mysterious territories of the island. Without a doubt, the scarce vegetation and the scorching sun that will accompany us on the way will take you to a place described by any fantastic oriental tale. Likewise, will come to your mind the image of Arab merchants selling their spices, incense, silk and jewelry on the backs of their majestic companions.

The impressive strength of these animals means that they can carry two people without problems. For this purpose, wooden chairs adapted to the sides of the same are normally available. Thus, comfort is assured for you and your camel during the 20-30 minutes of the itinerary. For the same reason, it is recommended to bring a hat, sun protection and water. From Alexandra Tour we will put everything in our hands for you to spend an unforgettable day!




Tenerife is one of the best locations for surfing, both professional and amateur. The fans of this sport have even called it their "Hawaii" thanks to the rich warm temperatures that surround it, accompanied by the Atlantic and its currents, ideal for lovers of the sea and waves.

Along the north and south coast of the island there is an interesting variety of surf spots, so regardless of the direction of the waves, during your visit to Tenerife you will be able to ride on a board. During the summer the waves are smaller, so it is in winter when surfers from all over the world visit the island, taking advantage of the powerful and imposing force of the sea. However, if you have never surfed or do not dare going to the sea with a lot of waves, do not worry, in the sandiest places you will enjoy smooth and perfect waves for your level.

What are you waiting for? You will surf at any time of the year. We give you the choice between short or long boards, bodyboard, bodysurf and more.

We offer you our delicate personal attention at all times for you to spend a dream vacation. Do not hesitate to contact us to resolve any questions and start specifying the details of your visit to Tenerife.





Have you ever heard about flyboarding? You have probably seen some videos on social media of this incredible invention, so we want to give you the opportunity to try it for yourself.

The propulsion of water under your feet will make you rise above the sea and have the feeling of being flying. Like any good superhero! With the help of both feet you will stabilize your movements and "levitate" over the sea. It's just a matter of balance and desire for adventure.

You will be helped at all times by professionals in charge of flyboarding, licensed in the operation of the device and first aid. Also, you will have a neoprene suit, helmet and life jacket to protect you from any technical mishap. And in case you are afraid of heights, we remind you that it is not necessary to get so above the water to not feel adrenaline.

In Alexandra Tour we adapt to you!




Do you want to live an unforgettable experience during your holidays? Then, you should definitely choose the activity of parasailing. This is a special type of extreme sport, in which parachuting and sailing are combined. Get carried away by the wind that will raise your parachute to enjoy a bird's-eye view on the coast of Tenerife. Thus, little by little, thanks to the speed of the boat you will ascend until you get a feeling that is difficult to describe ... You will have to experience it by yourself!

We offer individual or group flights so you can share the experience with whoever you want: family or friends. The largest parachute has space for up to 3 people. You can also choose between several types of landing. This way you have the opportunity to dive directly into the ocean or land in a boat specially equipped for it. On board the vessel a maximum of 10 people is allowed and the minimum age to participate in the activity is 8 years. The total duration of the tour is 50 minutes, with a flight time of approximately 10-12 minutes.

In addition, as an additional service, we give you the possibility of getting a professional photo, which will become evidence of a memorable extreme trip.

Do not think more, dare to do something unusual in your holidays, and of course, count on us to help you organize it!


Kayaking has become a must during your holidays in Tenerife. It is a fun activity, which does not require immersion to enjoy the marine fauna and the coastal landscapes.

This is why you can share the experience without problems with all your friends and family, even with the less daring. The stability of the kayak is remarkable, so you will not have to worry about falling and if you do, the flotation vest will keep you on the surface. In this way, everyone will have a great time paddling to the same rhythm, in the two-seat kayak, or freely in the singles. Given the necessary organization, these excursions are made in groups and its duration is two hours, being essential to book in advance.

You can not miss the wonderful images offered by the cliffs of Los Gigantes, with its deep blue sea, home to spectacular creatures such as dolphins and whales.

This area of ​​great beauty is ideal for the practice of many water sports, and if after trying kayaking, you get the taste of adventure, at Alexandra Tour we offer you much more aquatic leisure. Contact us!





Kitesurfing is one of the many sports that can be practiced throughout the year in the Canary Islands. All that is needed is the force of the wind and the waves of the sea. Thus, you will find the best conditions to do kitesurfing in the islands of Tenerife and Fuerteventura.

A special place in the south of the island is El Médano, located in the southeast part of Tenerife. There are recorded up to 300 days of wind annually. The ‘alisios’ winds of the Atlantic, strong northeast winds that pass between Tenerife and Gran Canaria are intense in this place. This is the reason why athletes and fans consider El Médano one of the best places in the world to practice water sports. Every year, international and national windsurfing and kiteboarding competitions are held here.

If you are an experienced kiter, in the area of ​​El Cabezo the waves are usually much bigger and more impressive. Challenge your limits!

Are you new to this sport? You also have your place in El Médano, called Playa Sur. It is a long, sandy beach with no ledges and cliffs, so you will slowly enter the water, having enough time to tune into the adventure. Thanks to the semicircular shape of the bay you will feel more secure in your first steps.

Another place where you can test your skills with the kite is La Tejita beach, located behind the special reserve of Montaña Roja.

Enjoy a wonderful natural environment while you live the most vibrant experience. Contact us to make it possible!



Zip Line

In the north of Tenerife you can enjoy zip-line trips that will test your courage. Strong emotions are guaranteed as you glide at lightning speed through the trees. In this way, in the middle of the Canarian pine forest, at a good height, young and adults have the opportunity to experience a great sense of freedom.

This entertaining activity takes place on the tracks of the renowned Forestal Park. There are several levels of complexity that take into account athletes and fans. This includes adequate routes for any physical condition and age. Everyone can carry out a route and park managers will be happy to help you find it.

In addition, you will not only have to face the zip lines, but a real obstacle course that can be quite extreme in height. However, you should not fear for the little ones, an experienced instructor will take care of their safety at all times.

If you are bold enough, great adventures await you and will be recorded in your memory forever. Contact us to organize your excursion!


Those who love extreme sports have their place in Tenerife. We offer you a great variety of climbing routes so you can put yourself in the shoes of an adventurer. The island has a series of factors that encourage it to position it as one of the best places for climbers worldwide. There is nothing like climbing on volcanic soil and enjoying, at the same time, incredible panoramas.

Before continuing, we want to remind you that you need a permit issued by the Cabildo to carry out the following routes.


Barranco de Guaria

This location is in the surroundings of the Tejina mountain, in the protected area of Guía de Isora. It has been selected as one of the best places to climb because of its ideal steep slopes that allow you to practice different disciplines. Also, you will be accompanied by birds in danger of extinction that have taken refuge there, like the peregrine falcons. Therefore, during nesting periods there are restrictions to access certain parts of the ravine. From November to March is the recommended time to go to this place.



This municipality of the island stands out for the concentration of several climbing areas, with its dense pine forests and deep gorges, along which are established more than 500 routes for all types of levels. The maximum height of ascent is 35 m. On the other hand, the Ortiz gorge usually brings together lovers of the most complex climb; the El Río gorge; and the mountains in Poris de Abona, are some of the popular places in the world of climbing.



This district of Santa Cruz de Tenerife has the Anaga National Park, a fantastic place to climb. It is where most of the classic routes are, being the highest height 250m. Coniferous forests, hills and short trails are specifically adapted for mid-level professionals.

One of the most famous ascents is the steep cliff of Roque Negro or the Montaña Negra, in the same district. "The dark side" is the popular sector of this site, attracting thousands of professional athletes and beginners every year. Another destination would be the Roque de Las Ánimas, although it is a more difficult  route.



The highest peak in Spain, unlike the previous places, does not have huge cliffs, but you can do rock climbing. Among the volcanic landscape, the La Catedral rock stands out, at an altitude of about 120 m. Also, you can walk through tracks prepared or not, as you want. The mountainous formations in this part of the National Park allow to enjoy all the beauty of the Ucanca plateau and its completely geological appearance.

BOB diving

The activity of BOB diving is the most special form of aquatic leisure: Do you want to know the sensation of driving underwater? Discover it for yourself in this tour of approximately two hours, in which the waters of the Atlantic will be your underwater track.

The process is simple, on board of futuristic aquatic scooters you will dive to a maximum of 5 meters deep, accompanied by an expert diver who will make sure everything works perfectly. Forget the heavy equipment of diving, all you need to ride this attraction is to put on a sophisticated diver's helmet. The laws of physics, and the design of the bike, will do the rest. In the same way, it is not necessary to carry out specific courses or training, nor be in possession of a permit to dive, you just have to follow the recommendations of the professionals who will accompany you on the trip. But this is not all, you will have the opportunity to feed the fish and live an exclusive experience that you can take home in photos captured by the team. That’s why the dives are carried out in small groups, guaranteeing the safety and quality of the service.

Due to the great demand, we recommend you to book in advance, avoiding running out of date. From Alexandra Tour, we will be happy to help you organize this and other excursions throughout the island. Contact us to specify the details!

Submarine Safaris

With Submarine Safaris you will fulfill the dream of penetrating the depths of the Atlantic aboard a submarine. In the Marina of San Miguel, very close to Golf del Sur, there is a steel giant of more than 100 tons ready to take you comfortably and safely to the most epic aquatic adventure. Without any doubt, one of the best highlights of your holidays .

Years of experience guarantee these equipped touristic submarines to make your trip as pleasant as possible. For this reason, the environmental conditions in the cabin are always perfect, maintaining a normal pressure, temperature and humidity while submerging to about 30 meters deep. Likewise, its spacious interior with a capacity of around 48 people is designed so that you are free to move without problems. Thanks to the seats arranged in front of the mythical round windows or portholes, you can admire the frenetic activity of the seabed. Thus, you will have the opportunity to discover the great variety of fish that inhabit these waters and their mysterious environment. Perhaps you will even see intrepid divers that often venture into the area.

How could it be otherwise, on this tour you will also learn a little about the place you are visiting. For this you will have the explanations of a guide and the help of the information panels you will find in the submarine. On the other hand, so that you do not miss anything, there is a circuit of cameras that transmit images in real time of everything that happens around the ship. All this will make you feel like the main character of an adventure novel. Unleash your curiosity and encourage yourself to live a once in a lifetime experience!