Mountain biking


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One of the hobbies preferred by the mountain enthusiast is the bicycle. With it you can save the great distances and overcome the obstacles that arise. Especially in Tenerife, you can test your skill and endurance, thanks to routes full of slopes and terrains that you have never faced before. As you can see, it is a challenge! Do you want to know more? Keep reading.

We offer you a wide variety of interesting routes that cross the most representative landscapes of the island: volcanic steppes, dense forests of pine and laurel, protected areas ... Depending on the chosen place the difficulty of the route will be greater or minor, we encourage you to consult us so that we can advise you on the one that best suits your level of training and ability.

Whether you are in the north or south of the island, you will be alright leaving Alexandra Tour in charge of organizing your excursion. Count on us to enjoy the authentic adrenaline sensation!

Route on the southern slopes of the island

Fulfilling the wishes of those who want to test the power of the Canarian relief, we have drawn a route full of descents and ascents that start from the town of La Esperanza. This mountainous area does not lack the smooth transition to forest following the trail of Los Ovejeros. Thus, we will find ourselves fully immersed in the protected landscape of Las Lagunetas, home to innumerable protected endemic species.

On the other hand, fans of extreme sports will surely love Valle de Güímar. Through it, we will climb to a height of 2400 m above sea level, where the Izaña Observatory is located. A hard tour that will be worth it just for the views that you will enjoy.

From there begins the slow descent towards the Teide National Park. You will definitely appreciate the 25 km downhill in one of the most beautiful places in the world. There, you will be rewarded by beautiful multicolored sand, next to the spectacular presence of Teide. If you like to drive fast, this is your stage! Canary pine forests, spread on both sides of the road, the red lava and the blue sky will accompany you throughout the journey.

Route on the northern slopes of the island

The starting point is again La Esperanza, but this time we will cross the northern slopes. The trails in this area are wide and comfortable, populated with abundant vegetation. Thanks to this, the path will be more enjoyable. At a slower but steady pace, we will reach without realizing a height of 1728 meters above sea level, entering into the Teide National Park.

With this route we expect a rapid descent to the recreational area of ​​La Caldera. This is where we can stop to regain strength. The north zone has endless kilometers of green forest and a more refreshing temperature than the southern zone. We will also make a stop in the town of San José de los Llanos where we will have lunch. Likewise, we will appreciate the remains of the eruption of the Chinyero volcano that dates back more than a century.

We will continue with the last stage of the route heading to the municipality of Santiago del Teide. The path will be no less interesting if you can admire the almond trees, at the time of the year they bloom, or the ‘retama’, bushes with white flowers that adorn the margins of the roads.


Впереди нас будет ждать быстрый спуск, ну а пока вы сможете наслаждаться красивыми видами, открывающимися по обе стороны от вершины. Конечный путь на этом отрезке - зона отдыха Ла-Кальдера. Именно здесь мы можем подкрепиться и набраться сил.

Разрабатывая маршрут по северному склону, мы учли все, чтобы пройти многокилометровые дистанции, любоваться величием северных склонов вулкана Тейде и легким ветерком, который будет сопровождать вас по маршруту. Перед финальным отрезком пути мы остановимся в небольшой деревушке Сан-Хосе-де-Лос-Льянос, пообедаем, увидим остатки лавовых потоков величественного вулкана Чинара и запечатлим следы одного из последних вулканических извержений на острове Тенерифе, которое произошло более века тому назад. Дорога домой будет не менее интересной, а на последнем отрезке пути вы сможете полюбоваться миндальными садами Сантьяго-дель-Тейде.