Tenerife sightseeing tours


Do you want to feel the strength of the elements? The bright sun, the dominant wind, the turquoise sea and the warm earth ... In Fuerteventura, the seasons are blurred to offer you a year-round climate and landscapes that are immobile in time. During this day trip you will find all the most varied pictures of the eastern islands of the archipelago. This will be enough to learn a little about the history of the islanders and their traditions, visit the main natural and cultural monuments, and ultimately spend a different day within your vacation period. Keep reading to know the details!

What will we get to know?

  • Pre Hispanic period of the island of Fuerteventura

The aborigines of the island were organized into two large kingdoms to the north and south of the island: Maxorata and Jandía. We will visit both, appreciating each corner that they offer us. Thus, we will make a stop in the old capital, the city of Betancuria, founded by the French in the first expedition to the Canary Islands, in 1404. This place is protected by a mountainous environment difficult to find on an island as low as it is Fuerteventura. It dates from the same date of the foundation, the beautiful church of Santa María de Betancuria, a building that has endured stoically the passage of time. Finally, we can not miss the stop at the viewpoint of the city to take some photographs. There the statues of almost five meters that represent the leaders of the two great kingdoms await us: Ayose and Guise.

  • Agricultural centers

Although the island does not have exuberant vegetation, agriculture has remained thanks to the ingenious techniques that peasants apply to cultivate in the arid grounds. These efforts are worthy of admiration and the quality of the products made with the fruits of this land will surprise you pleasantly. That is why we will visit the towns of Antigua and Pájara. Then, in addition, we will enjoy the sunset at La Fortaleza restaurant. Following the coast we will take a break on the exotic white sand beach of Sotavento, where we can relax in its calm turquoise waters.

  • Corralejo and the Valley of the Palm Trees

This part of the route is designed for lovers of the purest nature. We will visit the Natural Park of Corralejo, whose golden sand dunes create the perfect scenery to take incredible photographs. However, we will not forget the picturesque Valle de las Palmeras, a place that could have been the setting for Hollywood movies; or the mountain of Tindaya, the most sacred symbol of the island. It is not surprising that the island of Fuerteventura is often the cover of travel guides, because it offers really memorable spaces, unique in the world. You will have to come and see for yourself!


In Alexandra Tour we are happy to satisfy all your wishes, that’s why this day trip can be modified to your liking. You can extend it or change some part of the itinerary. Check with us! We will do everything possible to please you.

The price of the excursion includes:

- Transfer from your accommodation to the airport (round trip)

- Flight Tenerife- Fuerteventura and vice versa

- Transport of first quality and accompaniment of a guide throughout the day

- Visit and lunch at Oasis Park Fuerteventura

Hours (may be subject to change):

- 06.00 - 08.00 am - Pick up at a point near your accommodation (Playa de Las Américas or Puerto de la Cruz)

- 08.00 - 09.00 - Transfer by car or minibus to the airport

- 09.55 - 10.45 - Flight to Fuerteventura

- 11.00 - 17.30 - Excursion

- 20:00 - Presentation at the airport of Fuerteventura

- 20.30 - 21.20 - Flight to Tenerife

- 20.15 - 21.00 - Arrival in Tenerife

Gran Canaria

In Alexandra Tour we invite you to the island of natural wonders, which, together with Tenerife, is the second capital of the archipelago. We will cross the Atlantic Ocean to get closer to the aura of tranquility that comes from Gran Canaria, where you will not only find the peace of small towns in the mountains, but you will also enjoy charming coastal places and cities, such as Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. We have carefully selected the places you can not miss. This way we will have plenty of time to enjoy the famous dunes of Maspalomas, a landscape reminiscent of North Africa, or the visit to Roque Nublo, which with its imposing shape and height will not leave you indifferent. On the other hand, thanks to our guide, you will learn many details about the island's traditions in the most picturesque places, such as Teror, where the visit to its church and historical center is a must. In addition, we will have time to taste the products of the land, characterized by its high quality, in exquisite dishes that will delight the most demanding palate.

Our itinerary:

We arrive at the port of Las Palmas and head directly to Maspalomas, where we will witness the impressive panorama of the golden sand dunes that the Sahara desert deposits in this southern part of the island. On the way, we will make several stops in viewpoints, from which we can admire the different landscapes that we will find.

Once enjoyed the Special Natural Reserve of the Dunes of Maspalomas, our next destination is the town of Fataga, a small oasis in the middle of the mountains fully rural. Here we will rest mind and body, welcomed among the amazing nature of the place. Thus, we can not stop visiting the Water Mill that is located in a spectacular estate on the outskirts of the town.

Later, entering the mountain ranges, we will arrive at the famous Roque Nublo, considered the most representative symbol of Gran Canaria. This is why around this stone mass of 1800 meters high, local vendors meet to present their handmade creations: palm honey, almond candy, marzipan and even wine are some of the delicacies that you will surely want to taste.

From this moment we will be in the highest area of the island, Pico de las Nieves. There, from 1949 meters, we can admire the extensive coniferous forest that we leave on our way, the immense ocean and even the majestic Teide of Tenerife, which emerges from the clouds in the days with good weather. The Canarian summits have a special aroma, with a pure air that the lungs appreciate, so impressive that you will feel light and clear, healed by the power of nature.

Next, we have lunch in Valleseco, a picturesque town that will offer you its best Canarian cuisine. Of course there will be plenty of goat cheese, gofio, potatoes with mojo and wine, which will leave you more than satisfied. In this way, we can continue enjoying the trip in the best way: with a full belly and a happy heart.

Continuing with the itinerary, our next stop is Teror. The charm of this destination is perceptible just by strolling around its old streets. Soon you will become familiar with the local and traditional Canarian architecture. However, the church and the history of the town are the main attraction of this place, so do not miss any details of the secrets that our guides will reveal to you. We will have free time for shopping and as a final touch to the visit of this town, we will taste the fragrant wine of the area in a local winery.

On the way to Las Palmas, to end the tour, we will stop briefly in Arucas. This place is famous for its exquisite Gothic church of San Juan Bautista, as well as for the emblematic Arehucas rum distillery. We will have time to take a look at the souvenir shops and buy some souvenirs of the island.

Back on the road, we will go to our starting point and end of the route: Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. There we will embark on course Tenerife.

From Alexandra Tour we recommend this route to complete your vacations. Visiting Gran Canaria, you will get a broader perspective of the whole of the islands and the different unique corners that each of them offers you. From our part, you will enjoy personalized attention at all times, so the tour is made in small groups. Also, we offer you a convenient, fast and efficient transportation service, something you will appreciate in this type of trip. With a duration of around 8 hours, we will enjoy all the most famous pictures of the island, from beach to mountain, so it is advisable to bring warm clothes and comfortable shoes because this way we will be prepared to face any change in the weather. Do not think twice and contact us! We will be happy to answer your questions and specify the details of your experience!


Lanzarote is the easternmost island of the archipelago, located just 140 kilometers from the coast of Morocco, and that you will have the unique opportunity to explore thanks to Alexandra Tour. You will be amazed at the coexistence between the various volcanic formations and the population. This is how Lanzarote's landscape is highly identifiable: white, blue, green and black. The architecture of the island was unified by the artist César Manrique, whose imprint is present in every corner of the island. Therefore, everything is designed so that there is a harmony that you will soon notice. If you are tired of the noise of the big cities, of the stress of the day to day, it is essential a few moments of retirement in this paradise.

Our itinerary:

Jameos del Agua

This place was born from the imagination of the artist César Manrique, who saw in the detachment of the roof of a volcanic tube, the opportunity to create a space where there was an idyllic relationship between nature and human being. This is how this monumental work of art originated. This consists of different open caves and grottos that will not leave you indifferent. At the entrance we are welcomed by a natural lake inhabited by endemic and striking creatures. These are the blind crabs, which coexist with other small aquatic beings in a cave whose immensity will leave you speechless. Once we enter Los Jameos, we can distinguish three different parts:

El Jameo Grande, a complex that consists of an exotic garden and a white artificial pool; the auditorium Jameos del Agua, an impressive work where you can enjoy concerts with a unique acoustics and a capacity for more than 500 people; and finally the Jameo de la Cazuela, from whose rocks emanates water from a spring.

Mirador del Río

The bright sun of Lanzarote will make you see nature in a totally different way. From the Mirador del Río, 475 meters high, you will be amazed by the views of La Graciosa Island and the Chinijo archipelago, a group of islets off the coast of Lanzarote. Only a strait of sea nicknamed "the river" will separate you from those territories. In this viewpoint, also designed by César Manrique, art and nature come together once again to offer us a spectacular panoramic view in one of the most beautiful locations on the island. Here, our guides will tell you stories of the pirates who attacked these coasts during the 17th century, as well as details and curiosities about the construction of the viewpoint itself.

Bodegas Rubicón

The Malvasía and Moscatel wines are the most famous on the island, and anyone who visits their wineries has the opportunity to taste them. Under the prestigious Denomination of Origin of Lanzarote, you will taste a product of great quality, which will arouse all your senses. In addition, it will be very interesting to visit the vineyards, which on this island are very unique. Due to the lack of space and environmental conditions, the crops have adapted to the land shapes. That is why the structures of its vineyards are quite peculiar, designed with circular excavations in the terrain. The agricultural techniques used here are unique in the world, and you will be lucky enough to learn a little about them.

House Museum of César Manrique

Built in 1968, the former residence of the artist is nowadays a museum dedicated to his work. However, the most important piece is the house itself. The architecture of this space combines existing elements of the landscape with elements built by man, is considered a masterpiece of the twentieth century.

House of the Volcano

This is the headquarters of the César Manrique Foundation, a building that follows the theme of human being adapting itself to nature. At first, the construction of this house with two levels was a challenge to build on a lava flow, however, and as you can see with your own eyes, it ended up being a success. Thus, is in its interior, that grandiosity endures: a growing tree within a volcanic grotto, a garden in the middle of the driest lava, even a modern exhibition hall. During the whole visit you will be amazed with the ingenuity of César Manrique and the work carried out in what was his home for twenty years.

In Alexandra Tour we offer you this one-day excursion with the aim of not miss the most emblematic places of the island of Lanzarote. Thanks to our transport service and guide, you will have a comfortable experience, with the best personalized service. Contact us to specify the details!

La Palma (1 day)

At Alexandra Tour we are constantly thinking of ways to improve our clients' vacations in the Canary Islands. Therefore, we offer you a wide variety of day trips to the most exuberant corners of the archipelago. On this occasion, the island of La Palma, known by the nickname of "La Isla Bonita", will more than fulfill the idea of ​​a natural paradise that many wish to inhabit. We invite you to discover the most important places of the island where, nature in all its magnitude awaits your presence. You can witness the dynamic of seduction of the waves with the cliffs, the breeze between the perfumed eucalyptus leaves ... however, it will not be enough for you to witness the natural phenomena, you will feel them in your skin thanks to the warm volcanic sand in your fingers, the humidity of the mountain and the seashore of the coast. Put all your senses on alert to catch each stimulus and take them as the best souvenir back home. We assure you that it will be an unforgettable experience

Our meeting point is Santa Cruz de La Palma. The capital of the island offers us a sneak peak of the beautiful panoramic that we will find during our trip. Upon disembarking you will be able to admire the beautiful views of the Risco de La Concepción, recently declared a Natural Monument. At its top, 400 meters high, is the chapel that houses the Virgin of La Concepción, and a viewpoint from which you can see the city in its fullness.

The next stop will be the Royal Insular Shrine of Our Lady of Las Nieves, patron saint of the island. Its 16th century altar is an impressive work of art, with elements covered in ancient silver and gold. In addition, we will find ourselves before the oldest Marian image of the Canary Islands, which, by the style of carving, dates from the 14th century. The Benahoarita aborigines were the fortunate ones who found this sculpture on the coasts, probably the result of the shipwreck of some ship

Leaving behind the city, we enter the heart of La Palma with the aim of discovering the magnificent treasure of the National Park of La Caldera de Taburiente. This immense volcanic crater, formed 400,000 years ago, is covered with a forest that contains all kinds of native flora and fauna: laurisilva, pine, heather or willows are some examples of the plant species that we will find. On the other hand, there live small animals, most birds such as the kestrel or the blackbird, but there are also reptiles, such as lizards and “perenquenes”, or even small frogs. That’s why La Caldera de Taburiente is a space full of life where there is no lack of water. There are no shortage of natural sources of this precious commodity, which continues its course through ravines and forms waterfalls of great height. This is how this place, declared a World Biosphere Reserve, becomes an essential visit for the nature lover.

To not miss anything, we will visit different parts of the park stopping at their viewpoints. We will start with the Roque de los Muchachos, the highest point of the island. There, in addition to the wonderful panoramic view that its height offers us, we will admire the rock group that gives its name to the most symbolic natural monument of the island. After this stop we will have time to share our impressions and a delicious lunch in a small restaurant in the municipality of Puntagorda. In this way, we will enjoy the possibility of tasting the typical dishes of the island, as well as the traditional “almendrado”.

We will continue our journey through the viewpoints of El Time, an exceptional place from which to contemplate the ravine of Las Angustias and La Cumbrecita, where we can observe La Caldera de Taburiente from a totally different perspective. We will descend to find the refuge El Pilar, surrounded by a wooded recreational area where you can spend a good time resting. The last stop takes us to the Natural Park of Cumbre Vieja, where its cones stand out in a landscape of whimsical shapes created by the most varied volcanic materials. It is in this environment where the last eruption took place in the islands, Teneguía volcano in 1971, far from being terribly destructive, served as an object of study to scientists around the world and even became a tourist attraction during the short time it lasted.

Later, we will return to Santa Cruz de La Palma to embark back to Tenerife.

Our excursions are designed so that each person receives the best treatment, that is why they are carried out in groups of 10 to 16 people. With this it is ensured that you can listen without problems to the explanations of our guides, such as to shorten waiting times and make the route more fluid in general. We do not forget the quality of service that supports us. Our brand new vehicles are the most comfortable and safe, with a renewed fleet, we face each new season with enthusiasm and new ideas so that each experience is unrepeatable. Trust us to organize your vacation!

La Palma (2 days)

At Alexandra Tour we are constantly thinking of ways to improve our clients' vacations in the Canary Islands. Therefore, we offer you a wide variety of day trips to the most exuberant corners of the archipelago. On this occasion, the island of La Palma, known by the nickname of "La Isla Bonita", will more than fulfill the idea of ​​a natural paradise that many wish to inhabit. We invite you to discover the most important places of the island where, nature in all its magnitude awaits your presence. You can witness the dynamic of seduction of the waves with the cliffs, the breeze between the perfumed eucalyptus leaves ... however, it will not be enough for you to witness the natural phenomena, you will feel them in your skin thanks to the warm volcanic sand in your fingers, the humidity of the mountain and the seashore of the coast. Put all your senses alert to catch each stimulus and take them as the best souvenir back home. We assure you that it will be an unforgettable experience!

Day 1

The starting point of our adventure is Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Alexandra Tour offers a shuttle service from the accommodation to the capital, if necessary, for an extra price. We will start taking the boat immediately towards Santa Cruz de La Palma. Upon disembarking you will be able to admire the beautiful panoramic views of the Risco de La Concepción, recently declared a Natural Monument. At its top, 400 meters high, is the chapel that houses the Virgin of La Concepción, and a viewpoint from which you can see the city in its fullness.

The next stop will be the Royal Insular Shrine of Our Lady of Las Nieves, patron saint of the island. Its 16th century altar is an impressive work of art, with elements covered in ancient silver and gold. In addition, we will find ourselves before the oldest Marian image of the Canary Islands, which, by the style of carving, dates from the 14th century. The Benahoarita aborigines were the fortunate ones who found this sculpture on the coast, probably as a result of the shipwreck of some ship.

Leaving behind the city, we enter the heart of La Palma with the aim of discovering the magnificent treasure of the National Park of La Caldera de Taburiente. This immense volcanic crater, formed 400,000 years ago, is covered with a forest that contains all kinds of native flora and fauna: laurisilva, pine, heather or willows are some examples of the plant species that we will find. On the other hand, there live small animals, most birds such as the kestrel or the blackbird, but there are also reptiles, such as lizards and “perenquenes”, or even small frogs. Therefore, La Caldera de Taburiente is a space full of life where there is no lack of water. There are no shortage of natural sources of this precious commodity, which continues its course through ravines and forms waterfalls of great height. This is how this place, declared a World Biosphere Reserve, becomes an essential visit for the nature lover.

To not miss anything, we will visit different parts of the park stopping at their viewpoints. We will start with the Roque de los Muchachos, the highest point of the island. There, in addition to the wonderful panoramic view that its height offers us, we will admire the rock group that gives its name to the most symbolic natural monument of the island. On the other hand, in this area you will find one of the most complete and modern facilities in the world for observing the night and day sky. That’s why La Palma, because of its height and little light pollution is a privileged place for this type of activities, becoming a meeting point for fans of stargazing. If you are interested in knowing the ins and outs of this headquarters of the Astrophysical Institute of the Canary Islands, familiarize yourself with their work and see closely the great main telescope, we recommend you do not miss the visit. The entrance to the observatory is planned for 11:45, time strictly established by the people in charge of the venue.

After this stop we will have time to share our impressions and a delicious lunch in a small restaurant in the municipality of Puntagorda. There, we can taste the typical dishes of the island. Like this, surrounded by almond trees, with wonderful views, we will finish our first day of excursion.

Day 2

Our objective in this second part of the tour is to explore the volcanic nature of the island: we will visit the southern volcanoes and their beautiful surrounding vineyards that undoubtedly will surprise you. In the same way, you will have time to know the traditions, culture and gastronomy of the island. We will start walking through the streets of Los Llanos de Aridane, where we will hear unique stories from local residents. Also, we will visit unique sites such as the picturesque Plaza de la Glorieta, covered with colorful mosaics that constitute a true work of art, or the pottery workshop, where artisans create from their imagination and skill the most original pieces. We will have many things to see in this place and the time will pass very quickly for what we will eat there, in a small local restaurant.

Later we will visit the municipality of Fuencaliente, whose popularity crosses borders due to its exquisite wine production. The area of the vineyards is surrounded by a beautiful rural landscape, where the green fields contrast with the volcanic cones of San Antonio and Teneguía. From the San Antonio volcano we will clearly see the islands of La Gomera and El Hierro. Next, near the volcano we will visit the visitor center where you can enjoy an exhibition dedicated to it. If you wish, you can also watch the documentary about the geological history of the island, even learn how an earthquake meter works. The entrance to this center is not included on the price.

Continuing our journey, not far from there are Las Salinas de Fuencaliente, which covers an area of 37,000 square meters. Here we will witness the process followed to obtain salt from the Atlantic Ocean, with ancestral techniques that have remained almost intact. In addition, this site is also characterized by the heavy transit of migratory birds, so do not forget to look up at the sky to see them. But that is not all! To close the coastal theme, we could not leave without visiting the lighthouse. In this case, it no longer performs its function, but has been converted into a museum and interpretation center of La Palma Marine Reserve.

Later, in the small town of Breña Baja we will go to the Mirador de La Montaña, where impressive views of the coast and the mountains await us. In this magical environment, we will have the opportunity to listen to the tragic legend of the two twin dragos, one of the most deeply rooted myths of local history.

To finish our second day, we will return to the capital and explore its corners. Founded in 1493, the city was the wealthiest on the island, which can be seen in the architectural richness of churches and large houses owned by local nobles. Finally, we will spend some time shopping and resting after which we will go to the port to return to Tenerife.



After the first day of excursion, we will spend the night at the Hacienda de Abajo hotel. Belonging to the noble Sotomayor family, this is one of the oldest and most exclusive hotels on the island. This small but charming place will welcome you in an atmosphere of hospitality and luxury that will be difficult for you to say goodbye. Therefore, your friendly staff will also serve you, with all the attention, all kinds of international and local dishes accompanied by the best wines.



- This excursion is planned for a coordinated group of up to 15 people

- Some visits are reserved in advance, so please inform us of any cancellation.

- The observatory is located at an altitude of 2400 meters above sea level, which is why adults and children suffering from respiratory problems, as well as those in advanced age, must take this into account for the proper enjoyment of the visit.

- The price does not include accommodation

- Remember to bring warm clothes, rain jacket and comfortable shoes

El Hierro

The island of El Hierro is a little gem of the Canarian archipelago that we will discover in this day-long excursion. Join us on this trip to a world apart, where you will enjoy all the peace and serenity you were looking for with your trip to the Canary Islands.

Since you step on the ground you will realize that there is a difference in the air. You will not find the big buildings or traffic jams of the city, so you can fill your lungs with the purest air. And the reason is, this island has been a pioneer in ecological initiatives and conservation of the environment, especially in the successful development of wind and tidal energy. That is why it is already projected that in the future it will be energetically independent. As a result, the locals or “Herreños” are experts in adapting to nature, using it for their benefit without damaging it. This is the case of fishing or diving, controlled to preserve an absolutely clean seabed, famous among lovers of these activities.

Also we can not miss the Gulf Valley, from where we can observe a natural landscape, almost not modified by the hand of the human being. During the vehicle tour we will stop at the most beautiful viewpoints to capture the best snapshots. In them, our guide will tell us details about the history and cultural heritage of the aborigines. On the other hand, the best way to discover the most special places is simply to walk. Thus, we will do some hiking in the mountains to obtain a more complete perspective of the natural habitat of El Hierro, formed by diverse native flora and fauna. The presence of lizards and the endemic species of giant lizard that, unfortunately, is in danger of extinction, stands out as a curiosity of our destination. As we advance we will discover the secrets of the terrain, did you know that the island has a large number of volcanoes, active and extinct buried? In our tour we will see some cones of small size, vestige of the last eruptions happened thousands of years ago. You can also appreciate the capricious volcanic forms and how they shaped what is now El Hierro.

After the walk, there is no better way to finish than resting on the black sand beaches and natural pools that we will find at the end of the excursion. Will you wait for them to tell you? Come and live it for yourself!

La Graciosa

Just 2 kilometers away from Lanzarote we find La Graciosa, an island of only 29.05 km² and a population of less than a thousand people. It is a small portion of desert in the middle of the ocean, in the protected area of the Chinijo archipelago. If you have the need to reconnect with nature, in this magical island you will fulfill your dreams. Imagine yourself on a beach with hardly any people, totally natural, without umbrellas and plastic hammocks spoiling the views ... a magnificent haven of peace and tranquility where you can immerse yourself in refreshing crystalline waters. Do not you think it's a perfect place to put the finishing touch to your holidays in the Canary Islands? If you still do not have it clear, keep reading!

We assure you that La Graciosa is completely unique, the most arid and inhospitable of the islands, paradoxically has a great marine biodiversity and houses many birds in danger of extinction. On the other hand, life on earth is a bit more difficult. It is some local fishermen who live there permanently, as the population has gradually abandoned the island for the comforts offered by the neighboring island. Undoubtedly, this place is made for the simple life lover, who enjoys small gifts of nature and does not need large possessions to be happy. This is why the “gracioseros” will make you feel like one of them, without any kind of presumption. There, in the port of Caleta de Sebo and in the small town of Pedro Barba, the two population centers of the island, you will find modest accommodations and all the minimum services for tourists to spend some unforgettable days.

Also, La Graciosa keeps incredible stories that include buried treasures. That’s because centuries ago, this was a hiding place for pirates! A dangerous and mysterious place where the barbarians apparently hid their precious possessions. Later in time, the people from Lanzarote also took the island to protect themselves from the eruptions. Due to the proximity of these two territories, trips have always been frequent thanks to water taxis. This is how we will arrive, because in La Graciosa there is no more infrastructure than a small port.

Many tourists describe the trip as an adventure that is worth running for the jewel that is at the end of the road. Some say it is one of the most romantic corners of Europe and do not lack reason, since the atmosphere that is created from the sunset is captivating. Your presence there will make you understand that true luxury is in the enjoyment of the simple: the pleasure of a dinner in good company. You can taste the freshest delicacies such as freshly caught fresh fish accompanied by the best rosé wine in an idyllic place on the shores of the Atlantic. Let yourself be carried away by sensations and discover your new favorite place in the world. What are you waiting for to go to La Graciosa? Contact us!


Halfway between Fuerteventura and Lanzarote, in the Strait of Bocaina, is the magnificent islet of Lobos. In this portion of land, uninhabited by human beings, marine and terrestrial life triumphs in a protected ecosystem. Thus, in its scarce 6 km², they house more than 130 endemic plant species and birds in danger of extinction that, thanks to the name of Natural Park, have the opportunity to conserve themselves. It was not the case of the sea lions that inhabited the island, because in an era before the safeguard they were captured by the fishermen believing a threat to the activity in the area. This is why the island is called the island of Lobos, due to the presence of these animals, which nowadays it is planned to recover.

How do you get to this corner of the archipelago? We will travel to Fuerteventura and then save the short distance of two kilometers that separates us from the island aboard a comfortable ferry. Once there you will be amazed with the picture of a place that looks like something out of a movie. The volcanic forms mix with the golden sand deposited by the winds coming from the African desert, in a spectacular combination. On the other hand, the crystal clear waters take the colors of clean blue sky generating a perfect contrast that will be worth immortalizing with your camera. We are sure that your curiosity will thrive in front of the grandeur of the islet, wanting to know what other places to visit. Fortunately, you will be able to discover them for yourself on this route. Can it get any better?

In Lobos there are many trails that lead from one place to another of the island. Thanks to this network of about 14 km, we will reach the highest altitude of the island, the Caldera mountain, with 123 meters of height, and we will enjoy a complete panoramic view . Also, we can then go by other paths to the house of the former lighthouse-keeper and the only establishment on the island, a small tavern that has his name. The workers of this place are, along with the few campers and the passing tourists, the only human presence there. Therefore, you should not expect comfortable sophisticated facilities ... traveling to Lobos means recovering the ancestral relationship of humanity with nature, so open your mind and enjoy a place where simplicity translates into majesty. We assure you that finally, this corner of the world will make you fall in love forever. Contact us to schedule your visit!