Tenerife sightseeing tours

Taganana just for you (VIP)

The hamlet of Taganana is a unique place in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. You will not find a better place to disconnect and obtain an inner peace that exceeds all your expectations. The sea air impregnates the spirit of positivity and the waves brighten your day with its constant dance. It is a pleasure to dip your feet in the purest volcanic sand of the less frequented beaches in the Canaries. It is an authentic experience that will change the way you see and relate to nature.



Framed in the Anaga Rural Park, kingdom of Beneharo, aborigine ruler of Anaga, our heart fills of joy when entering it. There is a magnetism that goes “in crescendo” as you enter the thick trees and step on the ground covered with green vegetation. Here you will not find any spot severely transformed by the human being, so the virginity of nature in all its element will leave you speechless. You are the mere observer of the daily life cycle of that living forest whose flora and fauna born and dies in it. Life covers all corners: the steep ravines that lead to the beautiful beaches, the small waterfalls and lakes that form when the winter has been generous ... simply, words are not enough to describe this place, you have to feel its intensity in your own skin.

In the hamlets of Anaga we have a clear example of the good management and use of natural resources. Neighbors take advantage of everything that nature offers to improve their life quality. These sets of houses distributed by the Anaga massif date back to the 16th century and are inhabited, respectively, by no more than a hundred people. Thus, we can determine the intimate union of its inhabitants with nature from generation to generation.

As a result, Taganana is home to one of the oldest churches in Tenerife, Nuestra Señora de las Nieves. In addition, as a result of being a fertile land, along the coast is produced the essential raw material for its charming restaurants: papa bonita and vine .
Regarding this, the organization offers you the opportunity to taste the grilled octopus, the crowned as the star dish of the area among the other traditional culinary delicacies.

At the same time, you will have the privilege of being amazed by the singular panoramic view of the beautiful horizon; in which the rocks emerge from the depths of the sea and create unique forms within the water. As if the impression was insufficient, you can wander through this paradise baptized as Benijo beach . You will feel the black sand mold under your feet and feel the sea disconnecting any negative thoughts in your head. Also, if you do not take the perfect picture, you will surely find snapshots of this famous place in any promotional material of the archipelago.

After this stop on the way we will proceed to follow our route. This time we will make a small break to face our fears in ''El Draguillo'' farm, whose access roads give vertigo. If you look down you will see a great precipice not suitable for anyone, so if you dare to take a look, be proud of yourself. Also, These roads are only traveled by the few seven inhabitants of the area. A true experience!


To conclude our tour we go to Santa Cruz by the narrow roads that border the mountains. There we rest from the long excursion on the fabulous white sand beach called Las Teresitas. If you do not like the idea of ​​taking a bath, you can rest in the nearby beach bars and cafes.

This tour is designed so that you receive the most complete attention at all times. You just have to worry about enjoying, we do everything else. Contact us to specify the details!


Los Gigantes and Playa de la Arena (VIP)

In the south of the island of Tenerife there is a place that looks like something out of a movie: the cliffs of Los Gigantes. Around this stone mass of more than 600 meters high stretches a beach of bright black sand that generates the most paradisiacal landscape of southern Tenerife. Due to its remoteness with the traditional tourist centers such as Arona or Adeje, Los Gigantes is a haven of peace that does not lose its vocation for tourist service. This is how many travelers fall in love with this area and year after year repeat their stay by investing even in some property. What is the secret of this place? Its rich nature.

The ocean in this part of the island is distinguished by harboring an extensive marine life at the easy reach of the spectator. And, if you get close enough, at the port you might see some dolphin. These animals, along with the whales, are the main tourist attraction and can be seen along the coast if a boat trip is rented. We recommend this option because it is a unique opportunity to admire these cetaceans and their natural habitat so closely. In addition to this place, there is another natural redoubt a little further away: Las Geas beach. There you can enjoy the best views of the cliffs in their fullness. We guarantee that you will not experience anything like it; You will be amazed by nature in all its imposing form. You will hear the waves fighting against the cliff, in a battle that always ends with the surrender of the sea before the stone giants. As a result, you will have before your eyes a unique seascape of rocky beaches, sea breeze and spectacular geological forms. To continue, a brief break in the small tourist town is essential. The offer of bars and restaurants is wide, as well as small shops of all kinds where they will have everything you need.

We will continue taking a short walk to another well-known point of interest, Puerto Santiago. The most traditional part of the town will delight those who seek the authenticity of a fishing village of yesterday. As we move forward we find a touristic area called Playa de la Arena. This place stands out for its clear skies and a bright sun all year round, so do not hesitate to face the heat giving you a refreshing swim in the famous beach that gives its name to this place. Regarding high temperatures, we recommend you protect yourself from the sun under one of the umbrellas at your disposal for rent and do not forget the sunscreen or the flip flops. With this in mind, you can enjoy beach time, let your body heal with the healing properties of heat and salt water. You will return home rejuvenated!

In addition, in the surroundings of Playa de la Arena there is a wide variety of food options, both international and local cuisine, so you can not go without satisfying your appetite. When booking our tour you have the advantage of being always advised by our professionals who will ensure that your experience is extraordinary, with an exclusive personal treatment. At Alexandra Tour, we not only liven up the tour with interesting facts and fantastic stories that only locals know, but we offer you all the kindness and sincerity of a friend who recommends the best places. For more details do not hesitate to contact us, we are always available!

South of Tenerife (VIP)

Tenerife offers you innumerable options with which to occupy your leisure time. Although the north has a great variety of cultural monuments, the south will not leave you indifferent with its extensive touristic offer. In this part of the island await you authentic cities designed for the visitor, where you can enjoy the sun in all its fullness.

With its more than three thousand hours of light a year, there is no doubt that you will enjoy plenty of  time to spend on outdoor activities. Therefore, the coast is the perfect place to spend the day relaxing on the beach or doing some water activity. In addition, in areas such as Playa de las Américas or Costa Adeje you can enjoy endless coastal walks surrounded by the most picturesque shops, restaurants on the beach and luxurious shopping centers. Although most of the buildings are not centuries old, there are places that arouse great admiration for the impressiveness of their design. This is the case of the Pyramid of Arona, a large auditorium whose columns of Greek style stand out for their height and exquisite decoration. Inside, you will witness vibrant live flamenco shows created by the prestigious choreographer and dancer, Carmen Mota, a show in a continuous process of innovation where modern and traditional dance merge. Do not miss it! In Alexandra Tour we will be happy to organize your visit.

On the other hand, if you want to enjoy nature, especially the Atlantic Ocean, an essential place is Puerto Colón. This is the starting point for many of the aquatic activities that take place in the South of Tenerife: catamaran ride, diving, dolphin watching, Jet Ski ... unique experiences that we recommend you not to overlook. Also, you can rent a bicycle and simply ride around the harbor admiring the boats and the hustle and bustle of the place while your lungs are renewed with the marine air. To complete this experience without breaking the connection with nature, you also have the opportunity to hike through the ravines and nearby mountains. The star activities are the visit to the Natural Reserve of Barranco del Infierno, as well as the ascension to Mount Teide from the South. Both will give you the most exuberant nature in perfect contrast with the arid landscape.

Finally, zoos can’t be missed. In Jungle Park you can observe wild animals from all over the world in a jungle setting tailored to house the most exotic species. From felines to primates, passing through sea lions and reptiles, Jungle Park offers you the chance to see unique specimens in the world. During your visit, you will be able to admire impressive eagles and hawks of immense size and ferocious aspect, flying a few centimeters from your head, thanks to the expert guidelines of their trainers. On the other hand, if for you it is not enough to see them in the distance, in Monkey Park you can be in direct contact with the most friendly fauna. The cute monkeys and lemurs will brighten your day with their quick movements. You will awake their curiosity up making them stick around you at all times, and even more if you feed them! . However, you can not give them anything you want. Inside the park you can buy special food portions, and to ensure that the health of the animals is not altered, the park prohibits entering food from the outside in your bags.

At this point of the adventure, you will be surprised with everything that the island can offer, but the truth is that you will still have much more to discover. What to do to live a dream vacation in Tenerife without missing anything? Alexandra Tour offers you the most personalized transport service. We take care of organizing your trip according to what you desire. Do you want to go to Jungle Park but you need, in addition to transport, a guide or perhaps combine your excursion to the south of the island with our Gastronomic Tour? Everything is possible to the extent that it is in our hands to please you. Years of quality of service provided support us. Get in touch to start planning your vacation!



Santa Cruz and Market (VIP)

Alexandra Tour offers the opportunity to discover Santa Cruz, the capital of Tenerife, in a way that no one else can offer. Our customized tour will take you through the most beautiful landmarks of the city, inviting you to not only to visit but to taste them.

Santa Cruz is an authentic city. You will notice at the time you see the tall buildings from the highway. However, this place is special, despite how modern it may seem, it  hides charming buildings that date back to the seventeenth century. Its buildings are filled with years of history, the coming and going of people of all nationalities and the thousands of lives that have walked the Santa Cruz streets. Nevertheless, the capital is usually not very crowded, except for its festivities, days in which people from all over the world come to the island. This thrill has its origin in the carnivals of Santa Cruz, considered internationally the best . During that week of February, the city becomes an essential destination. The only requirement to enjoy them is to go out in the street in disguise and have fun in a celebration that is designed to have a good time with whoever you want, from friends to family.

As you can guess, the cultural legacy of this place is very extensive. Walking through its streets we will always find some gallery or museum that will be worth visiting, being the most famous one the Museo de la Naturaleza y el hombre. Therefore, we are not going to leave you without living such an experience. On the tour we will visit this site, as well as other emblematic buildings worthy of admiration for its architectural wealth such as the Auditorio de Tenerife, which besides being the headquarters of the Opera of Tenerife serves as a symbol for the island. It is a building that will not leave you indifferent because its white color reflects the light of the powerful sun, demanding all the attention. Its shape reminds us of a wave that emerged from the Atlantic, is often compared to Sidney's opera due to its location facing the sea and its architecture.

Going into the town we are surprised by large tree-lined avenues that take us to a place where nature reclaims its space. García Sanabria Park is a large green extension that serves as an escape to the city. Take a break and explore its paths full of sculptures. You will find the full disconnection by listening to the water fall from the central fountain, purifying and comforting the air. You will believe that time has frozen, however, at the entry of the park you will see thanks to an immense flower clock that, indeed, it has only been an illusion.

At this point we can not forget the gastronomic part of our journey. For this, we go to the Nuestra señora de Africa Market, where you can expect the best culinary delights. When crossing its arched entrance, a wide range of aromas can be perceived that will make you hungry: freshly baked bread or fried fish are some of the ones you will identify immediately. As you approach the market stalls you will discover the origin of the smells. The market houses greengrocers, bakeries, butchers, spice houses, fish shops ... Everything looks amazing! This place has managed to adapt to modern times and has created spots for the direct tasting of the products. We recommend you to try especially the fresh sushi or the delicious oysters accompanied by champagne.
You will not regret hiring this tour, so do not think about it anymore. Contact us!

Gastronomic Tour (VIP)

Canarian gastronomy is one of the richest in Spain, because it emerges from a mixture of cultures without equal. Due to its strategic location in the Atlantic, the islands were formerly the crossing point of the commercial route between America, Africa and Europe. Thus, the Canarian cuisine is influenced by other cultures, highlighting above all its great variety; Its dishes range from the juiciest grilled beef, pork and chicken to the freshest fish and seafood. On the other hand, we can not forget about wine, the star product and the cornerstone of the Canarian table. The red, rosé and white Designation of Origin wines of the Tenerife region are the perfect accompaniment to a relaxing evening.

Each island has its own typical dishes and we can say that Tenerife has the most variety and quality. Even people from the rest of the archipelago come here to spend a good day and try their famous restaurants and guachinches. In these remains the taste for traditional cuisine and  splendid friendly service. There is no greater luxury than to taste good food and drink good wine, without further pretensions. Depending on the place you choose to eat, you will be offered, among many other dishes, grilled meats accompanied by typical Canarian mojos, or a great variety of seafood and local fish. You can not leave the island without trying a delicious ''pescado salado'' with ''papas arrugadas'' or a succulent pork chop, the excellent roasted Canarian cheese or the ''escaldón''. There is so much to choose from! We put ourselves at your service to guide you through the flavors of the island, tell you the secrets of the preparation of each dish and teach you new sensations.

Our Gastronomic Tour offers you personalized attention. Think about what you want to eat and call us, we will take you to the best restaurants on the island. In addition, you can combine the gastronomic tour with other excursions to live the whole experience. We will be happy to design your perfect culinary route according to the destinations we visit. Also, booking with us has a great advantage ... apart from having the pleasant treatment of our team, you receive a large discount in the restaurants that we suggest. Meals will cost you an average of € 15-30 per person, a competitive price if we compare it with the high prices in the touristic areas of the island. With us you will have the guarantee of eating in truly typical Canarian sites where the quality of the product is unquestionable. Do not hesitate to contact us!



Hell gorge (VIP)

In Costa Adeje, there is a spectacular place worth visiting: the Special Nature Reserve of Barranco del Infierno. With an unprecedented aboriginal legacy, the Barranco del Infierno was the cradle of life for the first settlers who secretly kept the source of their most precious asset, water. Venture in the mountains of southern Tenerife and immerse yourself in the stories that permeate every corner.

With our excursion you will enjoy the vivacity of nature in a rather peculiar place, perfect for the intrepid. Although its name looks imposing, the Ravine of the Hell in its origin received this denomination by the ancestors with the hope of frightening the strangers, since the ravine was considered sacred. Nowadays, is being protected, with a restriction of 300 visitors per day so that the biodiversity of the place is not harmed. Also offering professional guides for interested groups.

From the beginning of the route you will discover different landscapes. From the tabaibal-cardonal endemic to the thermophilic forest, you can see how the vegetation transitions as you enter the depths of the ravine. There, in the heart of Barranco del Infierno, you will find the main attraction of this excursion: the wonderful waterfall of 200 meters of altitude. Take your time to admire the beauty of the place, conditioned with splendid viewpoints to make stops along the way. In the same way, do not miss the opportunity to look at the sky and see the birds that fly over the deep gorges of the ravine; let yourself be amazed by the majestic steep shapes and take engraved in the retina the image of this unique place, as the memory of the captivating stories of the Guanches seated in it. This is why, in addition to being a natural paradise, it is a site of great archaeological and cultural interest for Canarian society.

We recommend you to choose this excursion to spend a lovely time with your friends or family, hand in hand with our comfortable services at your disposal. The path is considered medium-low difficulty, so you do not need experience to carry it out. Thus, for about three hours of travel you can easily visit a totally different place in the south of the island. Finally, do not forget to wear good slippers or boots with non-slip soles to get around any small obstacle of the terrain, sunscreen, water and desire to explore. Contact us! Alexandra Tour offers you the best transport service: comfortable, fast and hassle-free. Enjoy your trip, we take care of the rest!

Starry Night (VIP)

Your holidays in Tenerife will always be a pleasant topic of conversation with your friends and family, but what if you could also tell them that you lived a wonderful experience under the stars? Surely you will leave them speechless with the details. Do you want to know what is this about? Keep reading!


Many choose the Canarian Archipelago as a tourist destination due to its subtropical climate, and it is not surprising; However, Tenerife can offer you a million other things, and one of them is the observation of stars from the highest peak in Spain. From Alexandra Tour we present you our brilliant excursion to the Teide, in which besides being perfectly guided by the recesses of the volcanic landscape by the best staff, you can also taste the best signature cuisine accompanied by the moonlight and hundreds of celestial bodies.


The first delight you will enjoy will be the cable car ride to receive the sunset, put into operation for exclusive groups like yours, at 3,555 m. Up there you will have the possibility of taking photographs, appreciate the natural beauty of the landscape and discover the different craters and lava caves that the Pico del Teide offers from its heights.


The sun will go down little by little, leaving its characteristic warm colors in the sky, just for you. See the sunset from the Teide is a privilege, so do not forget to take some snapshots. Then, concentrate on yourself, your existence and your condition of being alive. You will notice how reality mixes with fantasy in an ephemeral magical atmosphere. During this magnificent sunset, you will also celebrate your visit to Tenerife by taking a glass of local wine, hand in hand with the famous winery, Altos de Trevejos.


Then, you will continue with a path that leads to the observation platform of the "old top" of Pico Viejo. In this way, you will go higher and higher until you have the illusion of being able to touch the starry sky with your hands.It's about having imagination!

The guide will tell you all the details of the eruption of 1798, as well as its interesting consequences that will catch your attention instantly. Once located in the Pico Viejo, you will enjoy unparalleled views of the islands of El Hierro, La Palma and La Gomera, if the sky is clear of clouds.


Now it is the turn of the most expected part of the activity: the cocktail. Under a blanket of stars you will live one of the best evenings of your life, well supported by an elegant dinner prepared by the two-time winner of a Michelin star, Erlantz Gorostiza. You will taste the rich Canarian gastronomy in dishes delicately prepared to satisfy your taste buds and other senses accompanied by local wines or champagne. You will not have to worry about anything, since the MAG Catering service will be at your disposal at all times serving you with great pleasure.


To put the icing on the cake, before leaving you can see the 83 constellations that can be seen from the Tenerife sky thanks to the Starlight team. Thus, you will see with your own eyes why the Canary Islands is considered one of the best areas in the world to study the stars. You will discover a lot about the world of astronomy thanks to the professionals that will make your nocturnal adventure even more special. At the end of the route, it will be very easy to read the sky above you. Without further to do, relax and let yourself be conquered. You will end up in love with Teide because of the exciting magic that it gives off. We are eager to meet you. Contact us, both to specify all the details, and to answer any questions!



The Brightest Tenerife (VIP)

This excursion will make you feel on another planet, admiring the magnitude of the beauty of the starry sky of the Teide National Park. You will need to pinch yourself to return to real life. Are you ready to begin this adventure? Keep reading and you will discover all the details:

Alexandra Tours  offers you probably one of the most memorable experiences of your life. To enter an infinite tranquility in one of the best places caressed by Mother Nature, our groups will not exceed forty members. The tour that we offer is done on foot, and lasts around five and a half hours, guided at all times by our tour guides.

The beginning of our tour is inaugurated by an unforgettable sunset and a delicious glass of wine. You will see the different pastel tones of orange melting with the darkness that the night gives off, and the various shades of the volcanic landscape as the moon is replaced by the sun. Undoubtedly, it is a good way to start, and at the same time, a hint of the majesty that will walk with us during the rest of the visit. The best is yet to come.

While the bluish of the sky turns black over our heads, you can see the stars peeking out, showing their intense brightness just for us. Little by little you will find yourself turning on your feet raising your eyes, absorbed by a coincidental gift of nature that will take your breath away. You will even forget to take pictures!

Now it's time to get into the national park, when only the moonlight illuminates the path. At 2300 meters high where you will find yourself, there is no doubt the strong impression you will receive watching the countless stars that rest over your head. You will take the most original snapshots of your trip around Tenerife, so keep them as if they were a treasure and feel free in photographing how much you want. It will be the only time in your life that you will be under those same lights.

If you thought that would be all, you are wrong. On the night walk you will enjoy a real privilege: the climbing to the top of the Pico del Teide will be done by cable car, approaching the sky so much that it will seem to you that you can touch the stars with your own hands. Also, with goose bumps and no time to take a breath, we will continue at 3555 meters of altitude going along a path that surrounds the edge of the crater. The withdrawal originated by the silence and the astronomical landscape will be such that only the voices of the guides will distract you. They will explain to you and your group the Canary Islands’ formation, and also tell some of the best stories about the aborigines of Tenerife and their ways to explore the national park.

We recommend you with all our sincerity the choice of this excursion because you will not live anything similar in your life. We want to see you soon and know a little more about you. Contact us!

Tenerife from the sky (VIP)

Throughout your life you have heard your friends, family or acquaintances talk about their fascinating trips, but how many of them have been able to fly on a helicopter during their stay? If you are a daring person and you want to live an unforgettable experience, keep reading. We have the perfect tour for you.

Flying over the island is an adventure that you can not miss. Next, we will offer you all the details of the most popular routes so that you can get an idea of the incredible views that you would enjoy from the top, guided at all times by our professionals. The several options that we offer you stand out for their complete route, either from the south or from the north of the island, where you can admire the coast and the mountain in the same landscape. Or, you can opt for some specific place, for example go to the highest area and see the Teide National Park from such a peculiar point of view, or the area known as Isla Baja. The Canary Islands have the great advantage of having the sun always in its favor thanks to its subtropical climate, so do not worry about choosing a strategic date.

We will start with the most prestigious route: fly over the Teide National Park. From the ground it is a spectacular place that leaves open-mouthed, and from the sky it was not going to be less. With this helicopter trip you will see the lush forests of Pino Canario as never before, forming a great mantle of vegetation below you. It will seem like a dream you will not want to wake up from. Moreover, if you choose this excursion, you will even have the privilege of seeing the Teide crater and clearly analyzing the different lava traces that bathe the area. A unique place for an impressive experience.

To continue, it is essential to fly over the north of Tenerife. Not only will you have the highest concentration of forest on the island under your feet, but you will also see rocky beaches and black sand and the contrast between the population centers and the virgin mountain ranges. These are some examples of what the Canarian landscape is willing to give you.

Our third excursion takes us to the south of the island and has been named as the Cliffs of Los Gigantes route. This tour flies over the coastal area of Los Gigantes. However, we will also pass over Guía de Isora, a place where you can see the seafront of Alcalá and San Juan Beach, locations frequented by many bathers, whatever the time of year is. And to conclude, Playa de La Arena in Santiago del Teide. The blue of the Atlantic will leave you captivated with its beauty and fullness throughout this journey.

As a fourth option, you can choose one of the most complete helicopter tours in the south of Tenerife. You will skirt the coast of the island and you will discover iconic sites of the southern culture such as Puertito de Armeñime, where turtle sightings take place; the fishing municipality of La Caleta; the Costa Adeje golf course, which has very exclusive facilities; and the big group of beaches that exist between Adeje and Arona. In this last municipality we will see the Guaza mountains immersing in the sea, the Roque del Conde, the Ifonche cliffs or the Barranco del Infierno. You will easily notice why the south of Tenerife is chosen as a tourist destination by the construction of innumerable hotels and apartments, in addition to the beautiful walks with palm trees and all the people you will see resting on the beach taking a dip. You got the sun and beach guaranteed.

Without further complications, do not hesitate to contact us to know the rest of the routes or solve any questions. Do not miss an opportunity like this!

Description of options for excursion program


Get ready for the most impressive views of the island and its natural beauty. We will fly over the main attraction of the island - the National Park, the most visited in Europe and the 2nd most visited in the world. In winter, resting under the covers of snow, the volcano Teide is the highest mountain point in Spain, and since 1997 it has even become part of the UNESCO World Heritage list. You will have the opportunity to fly over one of the most impressive mountain monuments of the world, carrying out your route more than 120 kilometers long through the forest crown of the park. You will see the grape hills of Orotava, Puerto de la Cruz, as well as the mountainous area Vilaflor. On the way back to the helicopter station in Adeje, do not miss the spectacular lava tongues remaining in Santiago del Teide after the last eruption of the volcano in 1909. And on returning you will have to wait a little surprise.


Taking off from the helicopter station in Adeje and heading towards the blue of the sea, very soon we will fly over a very special coast: we will see the “Puertito” zone, the known habitat of turtles; continue our journey through the romantic fishing village in La Caleta; and fly over one of the most famous golf courses on the island - Golf Costa Adeje. A little later, we will review the hotel coastal area - Playa de las Americas and Los Cristianos. A helicopter flight will allow us to enjoy the panoramic view of these places, which can only be seen from the air. This tour will allow us to visit the southern coast of the island and see the most luxurious rocky cliffs of this area, not far from the tourist area. The perfect plan for those who first use a helicopter in Tenerife.


We will fly over the romantic fishing village of La Caleta, as well as over one of the most famous golf courses on the island - Golf Costa Adeje. Next we will see the extensive hotel zone in Playa de las Americas and Los Cristianos. In the sequel, be sure to pay attention to the language of volcanic lava, jutting out into the sea, at the foot of the mountain Montana de Guaza. Get ready to climb the Roque del Conde cliff and discover the terrain with its cliffs called Ifonche, adjacent to the volcano Teide, which in 1997 became part of UNESCO World Heritage - the highest elevation in Spain, surrounded by the impressive crown of the greenery of the Park. Next you will see Barranco del Infierno (Hell Gorge).


Taking off, we head to the fishing village of La Caleta in order to go around the beach towards San Juan beach - sometimes in this area you can see dolphins. We also admire the magnificent hotels in Alcala, one of the most prestigious on the island. Upon arrival in the Los Gigantes zone, we will see colossal cliffs, up to 600 meters high - their visit is a mandatory program during their stay here, and we will remember their magnificent appearance for a long time. This zone is also home to whales and dolphins. In the next moments we will fly over the green crown of Las Canadas del Teide National Park - it has been a part of the UNESCO World Heritage list since 1997. From these heights we can see the Teide volcano, 3,718 meters high - this is the highest elevation in all of Spain.


One of the most beautiful routes of the island, which combines landscapes of the southern sea and the green north of the island.
You will discover the romantic fishing villages of Caleta, Alcala, and Puerto San Juan, as well as their hotels and golf courses. Be careful - on the way we can meet dolphins! A real revelation for you will be the views of the sports jetty Puerto de los Gigantes, as well as the colossal steep cliffs of this town, rising from the ocean to an altitude of 300 to 600 meters. Your gaze will present the entire palette of colors and textures of these incredible places. Flying over Buenavista del Norte, the landscape captures your gaze with its colors, with a predominance of green and ocher colors surrounded by wide tongues of dark lava. We will fly over the towns of Garachico and Icod de los Vinos, where you will see Drago Milenario (Tree-Dragon), which is more than 1000 years old. Afterwards we will continue our flight through the Teide Volcano National Park, which will open to us in all its glory and glory.

* Price is calculated for 3 passengers minimum


We take you to Buenavista Golf, so that you can fully surrender your passion - golf. In just 18 minutes of flight from the Adeje take-off area, you can be on one of the most famous golf courses in Tenerife, located in the north-west of the island, very close to the Teno mountain range and washed by the Atlantic Ocean.
A field with 18 holes was created and inaugurated by Severiano Ballesteros in October 2003.
The contrast of the Atlantic Ocean with the majestic Macizo mountains makes the player visiting this field feel in complete harmony with his environment, and gives him the opportunity to plunge into nature in its very virgin manifestation.


AlexandraTour understands that your time is extremely valuable, especially when you had the opportunity to enjoy a few days of rest. Therefore, we offer you individual transfers from airports, hotels and, in general, from anywhere in Tenerife. You can take full advantage of the fastest way to move from any place with flexible working hours.


Picnic or lunch in the inaccessible corner of the island? Plan your route yourself!

The way to the end of the world (VIP)

This excursion offers you the opportunity to visit the most essential places of the north of Tenerife in a way you never imagined. We will visit the charming villages and learn about their traditions and gastronomy, including landmarks of impressive nature such as Punta de Teno or the hamlet of masca, through which we will descend. Whale watching, hiking, wine tasting, stories and legends ... Is there a more complete excursion? Keep reading!

Our starting point is the exceptional Puerto de la Cruz, whose proximity to the sea and good weather will provide all the energy you need to start the day. This city is considered the "jewel of the Atlantic" for its historical value, having been a pioneer in the development of tourism and international trade since the sixteenth century.

We left early in the morning, because we have a whole day ahead of us and we have to make the most of it. Our first destination requires that we go to the mountains. Climbing the northern summits we enter the municipality of Los Realejos, whose highest part offers one of the best views of the north of the island. For our delight we stop at the viewpoint of El Lance. You will feel like Mencey Bentor, who from a privileged position contemplates his kingdom forever. Thanks to its height, the site is perfect for those who dare to paraglide. Surely, we will witness the excitement of the initial leap of these brave men.

After this break, we continue to the municipality of Icod de los Vinos. The road becomes very pleasant as it circulates along unoccupied rural roads, sheltered by the autochthonous nature and the picturesque agricultural landscapes.

Once you enter the town, from any point and just looking up, you will enjoy one of the best views of Mount Teide. We stop in the village to enjoy its charms, enlivened by the Malvasia tasting, the most exclusive wine on the island. In this tasting, we also try delicious local cheeses accompanied by the most traditional honey. Imagine this experience in an incomparable rural setting, it is a real gift for the senses!

Finally, we can not continue the trip without introducing ourselves to the Drago, an impressive thousand-year-old tree. His legend among the locals makes him come alive as a protective symbol, a magical impassive warrior who bleeds red sap

After a well-deserved rest, we descend to the so-called “Isla Baja” to visit Garachico. This small fishing town combines its seafaring charm of yesteryear with the innovation of the new times. Its people have witnessed one of the most popular eruptions of the islands, as it devastated the main port of Tenerife, leaving a deep mark on Canarian society. The vestiges of this phenomenon we will observe them in their totality approaching the viewpoint of the Emigrant.

Then, we will follow the main road towards Buenavista del Norte. It is a quiet town that gathers in its architecture elements of its first settlers, mostly of Andalusian origin, while maintaining its Canarian identity. With the objective of exploring the most natural side of the area, we enter the Teno Rural Park, where we discover a rich and varied protected native flora and fauna. Looking out over the Atlantic, we see the island of La Gomera. The fresh sea breeze will give you a moment of disconnection that you will remember back home. Before leaving this rural park we will visit the unique lighthouse of Teno, where you can explore its surroundings and the beautiful views of the westernmost point of the island.

Next, we advance to Masca hamlet, a unique village in the Teno massif with impressive ravines and cliffs that were once used to hide pirates. Today, it is a place frequented by hikers who do not hesitate to venture towards the coast along the route of the ravines. And now your turn has arrived! This three and a half hour trail is suitable for all ages, with the help of trekking poles anyone can do it. However, we must take into account the steepness of the terrain: you will have to avoid large rocks, but do not worry because you can take all the time you need. The tour is very fun and enjoyable, because while you go down you will find authentic movie sets, you will wonder how the steep ravine harbors so much life, that at the beginning of the trail it goes unnoticed. In addition, the sun will accompany you at all times, the lights and shadows will contribute to the perfect photo that we recommend you not forget to take. In this way, at the end of the six kilometers of road you will find the pleasant surprise of a wild black sand beach where you can take a refreshing dip. At this point the magic of the Atlantic may had put a spell on you and make you don’t want to leave from this peaceful corner of the world, but the adventure does not end here: a water taxi awaits you at the jetty towards the port of Los Gigantes. Take your time to observe dolphins and whales, let the sea lull you, enjoy the last hours of sun at sea and recharge your batteries. On land, our most comfortable transportation awaits you to take you back to your accommodation. After a long day of emotions, you will appreciate the punctuality of the service and the exquisite treatment of our professionals. You will not regret choosing us!



Customized Experience (VIP)

In Alexandra Tour, your comfort is our number one priority. We offer you to visit the island without barriers, waiting or restrictions so you can enjoy every corner of it forgetting about the clock. You choose what you want to visit and with whom. We put all our enthusiasm serving you as guide and transport.

Maybe you are an experienced traveler and have already in mind the sites you want to visit. Draw your route and we will advise you on how to carry it out. If on the other hand, you do not know how to design your trip, we will be happy to help you create your perfect tour according to your taste. The customized route is designed so that you can share intimately the experiences with your group of friends, couple or family. That is why we offer you a varied fleet of VIP vehicles to choose from, so you can select the one that best suits your needs. But that is not all, at all times you will be accompanied by a friendly professional tour guide who will tell you interesting stories about the places you visit. All this personalized attention has a price without equal, an exclusive product at a reasonable price: from €125, two people can enjoy our service for the day.

Our renowned professionalism and punctuality will make you want to repeat the experience again. Get in touch with us, we will solve any doubt in the shortest amount of time.